Figuring out the rut


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Normally late October / early November means chasing phase where I live in IL. My buddies are hunting 50 miles south of me and are seeing bucks chasing all over, does without fawns and the typical scrapes and rubs. As I walk into my spot yesterday the ground has a fresh scrape (last 24 hours) every 20 yards so I know there are bucks around. I counted 6 scrapes on my way in. Then at dusk - doe after doe after doe (all still with fawns). Not on alert, not looking back, not being chased, just like they were doing on October 1st.

The rut puzzle always seems to have a piece that doesn't fit like I want it to. Hopefully the pieces will come together over the next week. I have a special draw permit that historically produces some massive bone. I've applied for the permit over the past 6 years and this is the first time I've been drawn.

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Glad to know its not just me. I have hunted 3 times in the last week, and have saw zero chasing. Does are still with fawns here, and they are alone, not being bothered by bucks. I have only seen one buck, a little 2.5 yr old that came into some grunting and rattling. I hunted yesterday morning and was very disappointed with the lack of deer movement considering the conditions. 29 degrees on Nov 1st and only saw 2 lone does. Nothing else. Are you kidding me?? The worst part is we have warm weather moving in here for Nov. 9-11th, which is usually prime days for us. I hope things improve.

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Funny how it works sometimes Frank, can seem like in certain pockets a few does are coming in here and there and bucks are looking and elsewhere just not the case, but no doubt it is getting close and most does will start to cycle. In the past have seen bucks chasing on a property about a mile and a half away and nothing here at home. Lot of scrapes here right now and lot of fresh rubs.

Our ml'er opens tomorrow, cold front Late Saturday behind the warm front that will have us around 80 tomorrow, should be a good week this week if it cools back down like it is supposed to.

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Seems some does here are just starting to get ready. Watched a fairly decent buck chasing a doe hard yesterday afternoon just before dark while the wife watched a doe and fawn in a field about 3/8 of a mile from where I was. She had a decent buck come out downwind of the doe and he started towards the doe steady but not running. Dunno if the buck was going to chase the doe or not, she shot him before he ever got close enough. lol.

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Figuring out the rut

Here in SW Missouri, I think the rut is just now coming in. Sprayed Estrous on my heel and walked in, occasionally spraying the ground. Got to my stand at 6:10 and once I had gotten set up I used the can call 3 times and did a few short, quick grunts. Within 5 minutes I heard a twig break and a spike was standing at 28 yards. He walked to my scent trail, sniffed it for a minute. Didn't see a doe or buck so he turned around and walked away. As he did, he puffed up and laid his ears back. A nice 8 stepped out and walked past the spike and to the scent. He ended up walking to 41 yards before jumping the neighbors fence. Not quite a shooter. Waited about 20 minutes and looked across the field. Saw something that didnt fit, glassed and noticed ears moving. I grunted twice and a really nice buck looked up. He was about 250-300 yards away. He wouldn't come any closer. I think he was a 9pt. But I can't be certain. Guessing he is around 130-135". Last day of Missouri's 1st bow season. Hoping for some more action tonight before the Hoyt is switched out for the Ruger.

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