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Not meant to be insulting, not attacking, I just found the mickey mouse and hitler comment to be a little heated and quite frankly a bit out of line.

No, I do not think there is widespread voter fraud. But, I do think there is potential for it and I'm not opposed to some form of voter ID law.

Sorry for the delayed response, these posts are not showing up on my mobile app...?

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Not meant to be insulting, not attacking, I just found the mickey mouse and hitler comment to be a little heated and quite frankly a bit out of line.

Not sure how anything I said was in any way out of line, my comment regarding Hitler and Mickey had been in the news, maybe you did not catch it? Those were just two of the many names caught on voter rolls that were obviously not legitimate voters. Fraud is nothing new though, dead people have been voting for years, sure there were again some that voted in this recent election.

No, I do not think there is widespread voter fraud. But, I do think there is potential for it and I'm not opposed to some form of voter ID law.

Sorry for the delayed response, these posts are not showing up on my mobile app...?

I think voter fraud was an issue with this election, and think some states that tried to uphold integrity in their process were interfered with by Eric Holder and his lawsuits to prevent states from requiring proper identification to cast a vote. At least we agree though that id should be required, personally think it should be a photo id.

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bug, remember that pennsylvania had 68 districts, counting over 20,000 votes, without even ONE vote for romney. even the dems said that is numerically impossible. the voting machines were clearly rigged. but, do you see any "investigations"? naaaa. so, voter fraud can be clearly proven. also, there are hundreds of thousands of dead people voting. that is proven also. yet, it keeps happening.

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