Short Barrels......


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What is it with the 24" barrels??? I feel stupid asking this, but I bought a 28" barrel because I thought it was better for turkey (hold a tighter pattern) but have I been misled???????? I see all of these turkey guns with 24" barrels, but I always thought that only caused the pattern to open more quickly confused.gif Please inform me!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Re: Short Barrels......

There was a time when a long barrel helped achieve a tighter pattern. But with todays modern screw in chokes it's just no longer the case. Only benifit a longer barrel give to a turkey hunter is a few ft/sec increase in velocity. This is minimal with the faster burning powders used today. But there is a slight increase. Most ballistic info is with the use of a 30" barrel to eek out those few extra ft/sec.

Barrels on designated turkey guns are generally 21-24" in length. The shorter barrel helps with maneuverability in tight quarters.

Now waterfowlers and upland hunters usually prefer the longer barrel as it gives a longer sight plane and just seems to swing better for many folks.


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Re: Short Barrels......


I'll have to disagree with you on that lil hunter. A longer barrel with a good choke will give a better pattern. My brother has 24" barrel on his gun and my 28" barrel gets better patterns at 30-50 yrds.

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This may be true in your particular case. However it may or may not be due to the barrel length. Every gun shoots different. In many cases the shorter barrel will outshoot the longer one. Usually forcing cone length, barrel finish, choke and ammo combo are what have more of an impact than barrel length.

Believe me...If it were true you'd see 30+" barrels on the turkey speciality guns. People pay big bucks to stretch out their killing range. They wouldn't let a long barrel interfere with their ability to thump them out there further.


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Guest gfourhunter

Re: Short Barrels......

also, today short bbl guns are sometimes back bored to make up for the short in bbl. and like borch said, todays choke tubes are awsome.

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Re: Short Barrels......

They claim that a 26" barrel will get the most velocity out of your gun, as well as being better in the woods than the 30". Most turkey guns come with a 21" barrel, and have no problems with patterns. They are also much easier to manuver around in the woods compared to the longer bareled guns. That being said, if I had a choice, I'd go with the 24" and split the differences!!!

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Re: Short Barrels......

I've seen in several cases (shooting same type of gun, load and choke) the longer barrel gun had a better pattern.

With that said...the pattern wasn't alot better...just a little better. The shorter barrel is just easier to swing in tight quarters. The difference in velocity and pattern is so little that I wouldn't let it factor in buying a turkey gun. wink.gif

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Re: Short Barrels......

Borch nailed it.

Barrel lenght on a modern turkey gun is a matter of splitting the difference for your own personal preference.

A longer barrel will give you some more velocity. It will also be more cumbersome in the woods. The shorter barrel will maneuver handily and will lose you the f.p.s. I don't know of anyone who's proven that one or the other will pattern better as a hard & fast rule. Velocity = more energy. Maneuverabiltiy = fewer blown chances. So you decide where the difference needs to be split. Most guys go somewhere in the 23" - 26" range. I lean toward 26" or 28", myself.

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