old timer


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Sitting in the stand this morning and seen a small buck coming toward me, the more I watched the more I could see he was stiff walking and sway backed. He was having a hard time getting around so I elected to shoot him. Once I finally got down to him I realized just how old he really was. He was great all over and only had 3 teeth. He was a narrow 6 point (no brow tines) he had decent size bases and signs of mass (maybe in his earlier years) The guy that processes my meat aged him at atleast 7. How accurate that is I have no clue. Gonna try and figure out how to post pics so you all can see

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old timer

He was sway backed and had a big ole belly on him. He was grey all over, almost white in some spots and could hardly get around. Not sure how old he was but he was definitely starting to go down hill. Also I was able to harvest a good size doe out of the same stand this morning. Taking my girlfriend out in the morning, been a great vacation week so far!!

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