What's the problem Yankees?


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New Jersey, at least, has turned away all non-union crews that have volunteered to come in from other states. New York City won't let the National Guard in because they carry guns. So, in part, it's the liberal mentality that is now running our healthcare system that has the power outage.......which a Pennsylvania REA co-op woulda had fixed last week........in such an aborted mess.

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About what I figured though the media will not say it. Had mass damage here after Katrina with more broken poles and transformers on the ground than you could shake a stick at. Crew rolled in from Kansas in our neighborhood and my lights were back on in two weeks. I just don't see that type of damage up there either. Too freaking cold to be without power.

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What, you mean it is not George Bush's fault?

Interesting how the media slammed Bush over the handling of Katrina, what little I have seen/heard of the news here lately not a peep about Obama's handling of this. Real sad that we can throw so much money away and cannot get power back on for folks who are freezing. Pretty disturbing that any state would turn away non union help while people are in such horrible situations.

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didn't get affected much this far north, but that's my understanding of what the deal is. a lot of it is ridiculous. not just power that's the issue. down south of here you couldn't have anyone do anything to help with repairs or clean up if they weren't licensed. down there if i was to take my chainsaw and cut up trees in my neighbors yard to help him/her out, i'd get a ticket/fine for not being licensed. i understand if your insurance co wants work to be done by a licensed contractor. however, this stuff goes too far.

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I have many friends and family on LI and Jersey, and the culture down there is a huge reason why I don't live there anymore. Millions of people with no sense of community.

1st thing I noticed was all these warnings against price gouging. When the authorities have to remind your neighbors not to kick you when you're down..... thats just disgraceful.

My wifes Uncle is a lineman for LIPA, he says the damage is epic. Combine an overstretched utility service with 3(ish) million customers that don't take preparation seriously, and this is what you get. No body deserves to lose thier home, or endure this sort of hardship for so long......but.......a little prep would've made it much more managable.

As for turning down non union workers, the power company in Jersey denies any such doing, but it appears the union itself turned away one crew that went to Long Island and got to work. And I've seen MANY pictures with the Guard (Fully Armed) in all 5 boroughs, so whether Bloomberg wants them or not, they are there. As usual, from a seed of truth, a rumor is started.

According to this article: "The NYPD is the only people we need on the streets with guns"

Borough President Markowitz and Mayor Bloomberg at odds over National Guard response for Hurricane Sandy • The Brooklyn Paper

PS: Please keep up with the Right-wing Butthurt...it's hilarious.

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the people of the east elected the very people making the decisions, so let the dummies freeze in the dark. there were t.v. crews filled with the union guys turning the electric crews from alabama away. hundreds of workers shouting "scabs" to those wanting to help. while i'm in full favor of their right to do so, i'm also in favor of the results they get, including what's happening right now. if folks die, so be it. it's all part of what they voted for.

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i disagree, bug. i think christy should have turned those volunteers back and ORDERED the union folks to stand down. help in an emergency is what americans are all about. christie screwed up. so did obama. they each could have reached hero status if they stood up to the unions.

Obama stand up to a union.........you must be eating loco weed

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All of this nonsense is why I love living in southern Louisiana, granted we have our problems too but when it comes down to it we are there for each other no matter religion, race, union or non an emergency is a damn emergency we'll go back to fighting later

I'd be careful lumping yourself into the whole group. I remember a bunch in the lower 9th ward that were also south LA folks too! :clown:

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