Holding your pin on target.


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Holding your pin on target.

I'm in agreement with the above statements. For years I tried to hold the pin dead still and couldn't seem to be as accurate as some of my friends nor as accurate as I felt I needed to be to be an ethical hunter past 20 yards. I started to "float" the pin and once I got comfortable I seem my accuracy improve ten fold. Hope this helps.

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this is going to mess with your head, but if you shoot a bow properly you never know when the shot is going to go off. you are to squeeze with you back muscles to set the shot off. If you allow the pin to float around the target and squeeze the shot off you will eliminate target panic. the best way to do this is to shoot the bow at a blank target and concentrate on the release instead of the target. If you post this in the target archery forum you will get enough advise to really drive you nuts. Good Luck

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if you try to hold it dead still you'll just jerk, twitch, and punch the trigger. let the pin float around with the bullseye in the center of the floating movement. put your finger on the trigger with slight pressure. then use your back muscles to pull the bow apart and pull into the back wall of the bows draw. as you use more and more back tension you'll notice the floating get tighter and tighter until a point where the release breaks and the shot goes off. you may notice it's harder to do this when not shooting on flat ground and say down hill. that's just your form changing slightly and you just need to apply more pressure on the trigger to force the release.

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