Pit Bull running with coyotes


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Hey gang...Been away at deer camp with no net access. I miss this place.


My neighbor has been hunting in a spot seldom gone into by humans. A swampy area that you have to dance on moss to get into.

Opening day of NY's so zone gun opener. He sees 6 yotes go flying by before he has a chance to get gun up. Day later...Yotes chasing doe with 2 dogs that have bobbed tails in pack. He shoots lead dog...a coyote.

My son Joe on right with yote that was skinned and going to the Texas Hill Country.


Monday morning...same pack chasing spike buck. Guns up... he shoots dog with bobbed tail. Turns out it was a pit bull female. Chasing deer with yotes! Imagine if those breeds would have mated? Wow...No... I don't want to think about that. I was told the yotes let it in because it was a young breedable female. Possible. I am not a knoledgeable dog guy(possible dog folks?) But this one will not be breeding anytime soon.

As the story spread around town. Many more have seen the dogs with bob tails chasing deer. This was one muscular dog that was very solid and heavy. Good riddance.


This dog was fair game being teamed up with the coyotes. Some felt bad because it was a pet at some point. But it became feral and had to go.

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Man that's a sight there Anthony, never saw Anthony like that! Did a good thing right there, he may wanna be careful posting pics like that though, wild or otherwise don't know the legality of it.

I hear ya John, but before I posted this... I ran this past a hunter ed instructor who knows the rules in and out. It was fair game being with the yotes. In retrospect...it is always what our parents tried to teach us. Be careful who you choose as friends.

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Pit Bull running with coyotes

That is scary. I look at it like this: if I feel that my life is in danger by an animal, I will shoot it. I know a lot of people say pits aren't bad dogs but bread with coyotes, you have a big problem on your hands. You did the right thing. People may say you were wrong for shooting it, but I guarantee they won't have your back when faced with one or a group of them in the woods.

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I was told the yotes let it in because it was a young breedable female. Possible. I am not a knoledgeable dog guy(possible dog folks?)

Yep, coydogs are the result and they have little fear of man. Heck the yotes we see here are becoming less and less afraid of man.

I have seen dogs with yotes on a few occasions here Anthony, once while turkey hunting and they actually came after me. Have had a few discussions with our warden on the topic and we are on the same page.

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Wow...looks like it has been running wild for awhile. One day during bow season this year I sat in my stand in the AM, saw nothing until a small buck came flying through, trailed by someone's boxer....I was annoyed. the deer ran out in the field, dog stopped, turned and walked down in front of me, I yelled at it, it stopped I moved, it saw me and took off like a shot back towards home....

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Was wondering how you made out during Sandy? Had'nt seen a post in a while...

Thanks for the concern. Sandy passed by my home and without causing any damage. Up at deer camp we had more damage in the area. Lots of trees fallen and I was living off a generator for 6 days and showering at the local college. Not the worst thing in the world. I got out of NYC on Oct 26th. The storm came on the 30th. Thanks for asking Bug.

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