Prices for turkey mounts?

Guest tarbaby

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Guest tarbaby

This is an email I got back from Hazel Creek Turkeys about having a longbeard (only if I put an arrow in em) mounted in full strut. Hazel Creek I heard is #1 in the country with turkey mounts but im not sure if these prices are reasonable or not? Help me out here.

The best thing to do is wrap your turkeys head in paper towels and put him

in a trash bag and freeze him solid. He will be fine in your freezer for a

couple of years. The main thing that can happen is your turkey head could

get freezer burned. I would recommend getting him to us in 6 - 9 months.

Our turkeys run from $695 for most standard poses with no layered tail and

up to $895 for a shingled strut bird. This includes a habitat base or a

limb for the wall. This price does not include any woodworking. A smooth

breast full strut on a base or a limb is $695. A shingled strut on a base

or a limb is $895. You can visit our website to study the difference or call us if you have any more questions

660-488-5688. Good luck hope you get one with your bow.

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Re: Prices for turkey mounts?

My buddy paid 500 dollars, and the taxidermist used a plastic head, and he is miserable......of course, this is the same guy the screwed my fan up for 85 bucks......I should of stuck with my gut feelings, but I got talked into it.......I dont have any full mounts, but if that is their specialty, its totally up to the one who harvested the bird....Im sure some taxidermists frequent the NWTF board, it pays to shop around and inspect peoples

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Re: Prices for turkey mounts?

Check out Artistic Compositions! Shane Smith does most of my taxidermy work and is one of the best around. He's won numerous National and World titles. He charges $650 for turkey mounts excluding habitat and shipping. Definitely check out his website.

Here's a close-up pic of a turkey he did for me.

Turkey Mount Pic

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Re: Prices for turkey mounts?

I paid $350 for a full strut mount w/ a freeze dryed head in 2002. I'd have liked the feathers to be shingled more, but it's a pretty good mount.

I'd pay more now for full shingling.

I'd say $500 range is a good price, assuming the taxidermist knows what he's doing.

$125 for a fan mount is rediculous. I'm no taxidermist, but I do mount fan tails for guys around here. I charge $60, but I enjoy doing them and am not really out to make money off of it.

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Re: Prices for turkey mounts?

Im paying $500 for a full strut mount on my bird from last year. And this guy does an exceptional job on his taxidermy work and the head is freeze dried. I would say that is a touch high.......But if you like the work he does, maybe its worth the extra money?

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Guest DaHunter

Re: Prices for turkey mounts?

Too me thats just crazy high!!! I mean the guy i take mine too gets 325 for a full strut mount and 200 for a wall mount. Hes not the number one man in the country but i am plenty happy with the results and not too mention the 400 dollar savings!!!

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