looking to buy a new bow


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if any you have any experience with a bow or new to archery? if you do then are you looking to get all new stuff? what kind of budget do you have? go to a local archery shop and shoot a bunch before you buy. many of the newer bows will shoot well so don't buy the first one you pick up. what feels comfortable is real important. know your correct draw length and max poundage you should shoot. they could tell you that, or you can figure it out pretty easy with some tips if you need them explained.

also if you go to an archery shop now (late fall into winter) and find discounted bows that people hit the woods with right now. reason being the new 2013 models are available and showing up in shops. by summer there won't be many left except new 2013 bows that are full price. helps to have a bow with adjustable drawlength without needing any extra parts. helps to resell it yourself or pass it on to someone else.

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Find a pro shop near you and try out as many bows you can..get what you can afford and what fits you..you will know when you shoot it.."it will just feel right"..dont know how else to explian it .

Buy the best you can afford..then practice practice practice...

couldn't have stated it better. NOTE: More expensive is NOT always the best choice.

good luck to all

the dog

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