Finnaly got my first!


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it's an accomplishment that we all work so hard for and unless you're a hunter you don't realize the amount of work that goes into a harvest!

Very true. People have even asked me why dont i get one every time i go. Im like you dont just walk out and shoot a deer. I have sat about 70+ hours in the stand and i havent got one this year, came close but nothing yet. But you dont need to get one to have a great time. Hopefully i can stick one this weekend.

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I'm assuming you entered the lottery? Congratulations on being selected and on your accomplishment. No easy task here in Vermont.

Yea I drew a Permit for Zone Q. I deffintly agree about VT being challenging. Every year more and more land is being posted. I think the weather played a big part in it this year to. The only two days this season. that actully felt right weather wise were this past saterday and sunday IMO and the deer movment reflected it.

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Agree with the land issue. Its crazy how it happens. People buy it up then post it then hunt others land like big deal. Its their right but dang. I am in Springfield and have only doe. The weather the last two years has been less than favorable for us hunters as for those who don't enjoy the.cold then its great for them. I'm crossing my fingers trying to break my four year dry spell here. I got one in Virginia two years ago so its not a complete dry spell. Its funny how Uncle Ted refers to Michigan about being had to hunt them and be successful since they are on edge all the time and I feel its the same here. Obviously I summed up what I think he is meaning but you get my point. I wish you luck this weekend and I have to wish my self.luck since u don't seem to be having any. But its.hunting nothing is a guarantee.

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