affordable for who......................


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Obamacare, thanks alot to the libs and Mr. Obama!:( Seeing our premiums to keep similar lousy coverage we currently have go up about $2600 a year next year, OR we can take a lower plan that costs a few bucks a month less, but has even more ridiculous copays and deductibles, which would be a serious gamble with 4 kids. When they said this "affordable" health care act was going to help out working class, I wonder who they really planned on helping, all it seems it has done is drive up prices for those of us who have to pay.

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How foolish of people to so trusting that "they" were going to help the middle class. Uniformed people are what our socialist government depend on. Like cattle to the slaughter.

“If you tell a big enough lie and tell it frequently enough, it will be believed.”

Adolf Hitler

“What good fortune for governments that the people do not think.”

Adolf Hitler

I actually saw this second quote after the election on our local Baptist Church billboard down the road from my parent's house. If we don't stand up for ourselves, who will?

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I'm with you. My premiums have gone up $75-100 a month for the past 5 or so years. I pay about $8000 a year for health, dental, and vision for my family, and it's pretty crappy coverage. My boys broken arm cost us another $2800 out of pocket when it was all said and done. :bang:

I'm not sure what we'll do if they go up again this year.

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My deductible went up to $3,000 out of pocket max last year. We were maxed out in June I think. This year, new plan, paying less and deductible is less, thank God. I hope we keep this plan for a long time.

Gonna guess you are not in the majority of people out there who have better rates and better coverage Chris. Dunno if your insurance is union influenced and if that has any bearing?

We take this plan offered that costs around $5 less per month than the current and our deductible per person in network goes from $3000 to $5000 and that is a 70/30 plan. Out of pocket max was $3000 when our son was born and we came right to that on our part. Other plan to keep a $3000 ded is gonna run us $100 more every 2 weeks and is still a 70/30 plan.

About 10-12 years ago we were paying around $5000 a year for a family plan and our coverage was 90/10 and had a $1000 deductible, those days are obviously long gone.

Meanwhile while we are paying for insane premiums there are illegals not paying a dime who are getting care.

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The massive company I work for told everyone last year, "Good news! No more co pays!" They sent a hired insurance guy in to discuss it with our office. People saw through the smoke and mirrors and tore that poor guy to shreds.

At my office, if you have insurance, it went up about $35 - $50 a paycheck and the company no longer matches until you reach $2,00.00 for anything. Ergo, there are no co pays, you pay 100% until you hit $2,500.00 and then they match 60/40 on most things... literally most things. They also have preferred drug programs so if you’re not buying things on their list or using Drs or a Pharmacy that isn’t on the list whatever you spend does NOT go to the $2,500.00. Keep in mind my company does $34 billion a year.

The rumor is now that they are going to drop insurance all together and pay the fine because its cheaper than supplying insurance at all..... ergo, thousands of employees will land on the Government ticket. That doesn’t surprise me. Our company President makes around $40m a year and is often seen in news reels with Obama....

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The rumor is now that they are going to drop insurance all together and pay the fine because its cheaper than supplying insurance at all..... ergo, thousands of employees will land on the Government ticket. That doesn’t surprise me. Our company President makes around $40m a year and is often seen in news reels with Obama....

All part of the plan my friend, all part of the plan. They want as many people dependent on the government as possible so they can further their agendas.

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My premiums and deductibles stayed just about the same for next year. I think my deductibles are high, but they've been that way for years, long before the Affordable Healthcare Act.

Ummm, yeah that is the point bug. The libs sold this idea to those who believed them that healthcare should be more affordable, I actually agree that healthcare should be more affordable, but did not believe for one second that Obama or the liberals would do anything to help out working class families. Rather than being more affordable we are seeing more dramatic increases in premiums now than in the past, which goes totally against what Obama told the American people. Why are we continuing to see increases in premiums with poorer and poorer coverage and who other than those already on gov't systems are benefitting?

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Gonna guess you are not in the majority of people out there who have better rates and better coverage Chris. Dunno if your insurance is union influenced and if that has any bearing?

Yes, union influenced. We just got lucky and joined a larger consortium. More people pay into the account, so they can offer lower co-pays etc.

Back about 5 or 6 years ago we paid about $125 for the family plan, $5 co pay for doctor visit, $5 co-pay for prescriptions, everything else was %100 covered, no deductible, no co-pay. So those golden days are gone forever I'm afraid.

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Ummm, yeah that is the point bug. The libs sold this idea to those who believed them that healthcare should be more affordable, I actually agree that healthcare should be more affordable, but did not believe for one second that Obama or the liberals would do anything to help out working class families. Rather than being more affordable we are seeing more dramatic increases in premiums now than in the past, which goes totally against what Obama told the American people. Why are we continuing to see increases in premiums with poorer and poorer coverage and who other than those already on gov't systems are benefitting?

Oh, I agree with you here, I'm employed by a huge healthcare institution, my costs are an embarrassment to put it mildly.

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we will all soon be in line for our daily government ration

someone in business told me the other day for every dollar that is made he pays .45 in taxes..


Because there's still .55 to make......and the last time I checked .55>0.

I'm more of a glass half full kinda guy rather than the sky is falling glass half empty one.

What's happening in our country is not good, I'll agree, but there seems to be a whole lot of folks overreacting.

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I get 68% of my paycheck.....its all robbery in my books.

You still pay taxes on the 68% you get... Go to a movie, go buy a gallon of gas or a pop at the store, loaf of bread, etc.. You're paying taxes on those things. ;)

Regardless, we as a nation are over taxed. It could all be solved if we could cut government spending.

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