what a horrible story


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I'm a fairly hardened person when it comes to national tragedy. The batman shooting was sad news, but it didn't effect me personally. Other mass shootings have never been anything more to me than bad news, and I went on with my day. Call me cold, but I'm just being honest. When I heard this news yesterday it felt like someone punched me in the stomach. I have been down in the dumps all day and just can't get these awful images out of my head of those poor poor innocent babies lying in their classroom huddled together in fear and being shot to death. Then there is the teacher who saved her kids by hiding them.....the same age as Jennifer and I....shot to death. Jenn being a teacher, and Cash being in the same school.....it just hit me really hard that this could just have easily had been them. It hurts and I'm at a total loss of words. My heart is broken for the families, the school, the town, and our nation. I just don't understand. Been fighting the lump in my throat all day....call me a sissy, but it's just so sad.

Sure does not make a man a sissy to admit he is emotional about something like this. Just means you are a human being Kyle. Most of the kids were 6 and 7, having a 7 year old daughter, this really hurts because like you say it could very easily have happened at her school. Agree totally with what Mike said, this will have far reaching impacts for a lot of people who are not at all related to the victims or their families. Makes me want to hold me my kids and not let them go.

Cannot imagine the pain for those families and those who are having to work through this. All I know to do is pray for them all.

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Truly a sad day for these familys..innocent lives taken by some sicko. These actions are the fallout of a Godless society. Since we took God out of the classroom, the country has slid downward since, kids are taught there is no right or wrong, it is relative, truth is what you believe it is.

The problem people is Sin, Satin is extremely cunning and has many buying into his lies.

When you have kids and their parent playing these STUPID shootem up games on the X box..where you score for the "kills" you make on hunting humans...expect more and larger bloodbaths! What are we teaching these kids?? 18 little lives snuffed out

and lets not forget the MILLIONS that have been murdered by ABORTION!

Please pray for these families..I cant imagine the heartbreak.....the Bible tells us these little ones are with the Lord, absent from the body, present with the Lord...that is the only comfort one can have about this tragic event.

Not the time or place to push ones agenda.

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This event has made me sick to my stomach...I am speechless.

My brother lives one town over in Bethel,CT and takes his kids/my nephews to sport meets at that school. It hit home for my brother and sister in law. I cannot imagine the sorrow those parents feel. I have teared up on more than one occasion thinking about this. How sad also, about politicians not letting folks grieve and pushing their agenda. Sad day for America.

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it's a horrible thing that happened. you can judge society as a whole, contemplate what could've been done to prevent it, and give condolences. nothing's bringing them back. i only hope these reoccuring tragedies don't prevent us as a whole staying united, instead of turning us all against each other with debates and judgement of others.

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