Killed my first deer


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With my dang car that is. Grrrr someone else already hit her and she was laying in the road just over crest of the hill. Wouldn't you know I had a car on my rear end and beside me with nowhere to go.

I get stopped and go back to remove her from the road and the woman behind me is mortified that I grabbed a still flopping deer and pulled it off the road. I thought she was gonna toss her cookies right there.

I think I might have dodged a bullet as I'm not leaking fluid and it appears I only broke the air dam. No body damage that I can see yet.

Not the type of hunting I was looking to do this weekend!

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Glad there wasn't any damage to you, and little to the car. Sometimes you get lucky like that not writing the car off. I've had a few close calls but never actually hit one dead on. Closest was in my mom's old Corolla when I was about 17 years old, ran out at about the drivers door and just clipped the rear quarter/bumper area. Turned around and the deer was a bit stunned and caught in the fence on the side of the road, by the time I started walking down to help it, it got free and took off like a shot.

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came close the other night.... lots of twisty, uphill and down hill roads around here. crested a hill and dropped down to find a small herd of half a dozen of them. couldn't stop in time so i got hard on the brakes to slow down but drifted over just enough to hug the guard rail and just barely clipped one. couldn't believe it didn't take off my mirror. they all seemed to be fine including my car.

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Good you are ok and minimal damage to your car. Good too you got the deer out of the road so noone else would potentially get hurt or have damage.

I have hit one in all my years of driving. Best as I remember it did close to $4000 in damage to the front end of the blazer. Was dark and the deer jumped from a cornfield at the edge of the road, no time to even think about slowing down. I was probably going between 50 and 55 when I hit it and I have no clue where it went. Wife was behind someone last year who hit one in a car, person slowed down and then took off as the wife pulled up and off the side of the road to check to see if they were ok. Man who lived in the house where the deer was hit came down his driveway and the wife helped him drag the deer off the road.

Watched a little buck earlier this year running in circles in a field just 15-20 yards off the side of the road.

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I'm glad your ok! Did you get the backstraps? lol I hear ya, I had a replacement front end put on my Z71. We had a nice buck hit out here, and the man behind the car that hit it had to cut it's throat to put it down, the lady behind him flipped out too! That was done after the gamewarden had given the instructions to do so, seeing how he wasn't in the area. I bet the cars behind you or coming up was thankful that you moved it!

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