AR recommendations? advice?

Ethan Givan

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Because of recent events, it seems that AR rifles may not be available for purchase in the near future. I am thinking about buying one before I no longer can. Problem is, I know very little about them and really havent been around them much. What should I look for? What features are important? I may get a used one to lower the cost, so is there anything I should look out for there?

Im looking at the Smith and Wesson M&P15 sport. I would really like to get the Colt m4 but I think thats going to be a little too pricey. I dont want to spend much over $700 for initial purchase, thats why Im looking to buy a used one. Any advice, suggestions, or recommendations are welcomed. I need to be educated.

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For varmint hunting and long range shooting I would suggest something like a rock river varmint or at least get something with a flat top upper. The varmint model would run you around a grand new though.

For a sportical, might look at dpms. In my experience the dpms is not as tight as the rock river, but dpms do shoot well. They had a dpms sportical at wal mart new for around $700, BUT that may no longer be the case. Our wal mart actually had a couple new AR's in .223 that were under $700, but last time I was in there they had very few on display, stock has been limited since just prior to November and has continued to be only a few in the display case up until last week. Don't know much first hand about them but have heard windham arms carries a lifetime warranty on their AR's. They are a newer company with a lot of employees from bushmaster. Wal mart here had one of their AR's under $700 not too long back.

Wish I had the funds to buy a couple multi caliber(AR 10) receivers.

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Rock river isn't bad, ruger SR 556 is nice but very pricey, dpms are decent, stag are nice my buddy has one I think that they are the only ones that comes with a stock upper for lefties and the selector is flipped on the other side, Daniel defense seems nice from watching there videos, colts shoot good but expensive in comparison for plinking. I would say rock river is a great choice. Last year you could get one with full stock (m16) style for around nine hundred. If you go A4 it should come with a removable carry handle so it is then a flat top. So many to choose from that its hard to say I think another one is Olympic or something close. For what you want it should not be hard to find. I'm with you on getting one before you can't unfortunately I also don't have the spare funds to drop on it. Its a nice dream tho. Lol. Hope it helps.

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I ordered an AR today. Rock River Arms Varmint 16".

My son ordered the varmint in 18".

Our local dealer had 16 RR's in stock yesterday afternoon. I couldn't get out there until 11:00 this morning. She was sold out entirely and taking orders.

We have been looking and researching since early spring. We finally settled on the RR. With Christmas coming we were going to hold off buying until early spring. Wish we had acted last week. I have to believe Rock River Arms is working 24/7. I sure hope quality doesn't suffer.


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Thanks for the suggestions guys. I really like the looks of the dpms and the smith&wesson looks good too. Just gotta find one, and decide if I wanna part with my Springfield for it.

  dbHunterNY said:
i was thinking about getting one a while ago but i'm married now... lol

Yeah Db im trying to accumulate as many toys as I can while Im still free, and I plan to stay that way for a while LOL

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top of my WISH list was a Les Baer 308 AR with a Magpul PRS stock and Enforcer muzzlebrake. I was going to top it off with a Huskemaw scope and some other stuff, but at the total cost of $5k i thought it would spark a bad conversation. lol work wonders for hunting varmints at long range though. even big game out to 700 yards or so with the right ammo. if i was to get a sportical for the same reasons you are it'd be topped with a light weight variable power durable 2-7X scope maybe from Trijicon, an Aimpoint T-1 Micro red dot at the forearm canted at 45 degrees, and a Slogan Outdoors Ultraflex tactical sling. other functional goodies too but that's just a few.

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I have been all over the net trying to acquire additional replacement parts for AR's. No one anywhere I have clicked have anything in stock. No Bolts or bolt carriers, no uppers, no lower receiver part kits...mags are fetching monster premiums and ammo is getting scarcer by the minute. Get what you can while You can. Most if not all AR manufacturers, are using CNC machinery and original drawings to make their receivers of usually 7075-T6 aluminum. Kind of hard to go wrong with any brand of lower. The upper is the important part that delivers the accuracy and function. Since all AR 15's are modular. You can start out with one make lower and put another manufacturers upper on it. Look for a 5.56 chambering or the .223 Wylde chamber. A standard .223 chamber will only shoot .223. But 5.56 chamber will digest both, and the .223 Wylde is like a match chamber that can shoot both also.

Keep this also in mind. If you cannot purchase a complete/whole AR15. Look into purchasing just a complete lower or a stripped lower that you can easily build yourself. The lower is a much easier build than the upper IMO. Less tools needed also. This way with a lower you are in the door.

I hope you are able to get what you want. But you may have to up that spending number a bit with recent supply and demand.

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it's chuck season in the spring into the summer.... i've got to stock up annually on Black Hills 60gr Vmax 223 ammo for my savage bolt action varmint rifle. decided to stop in to a local shop that carries it at times. Well they were almost sold out of any kind of 223 ammo period. they had two 20 round boxes left of a different kind that i didn't want. also they have a whole back room full of ARs and they were down to only two. while i was there a couple people called up asking if they had any left.

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It's strange to me how things like the recent events change peoples thinking. I was talking to a friend, who owns several guns, last fall and I told him my son and I were looking at AR's. My friend said he had no use for an AR and wouldn't buy one.

I was out shopping today and ran into my friend and I remarked, "I bet you wish you had a cabinet full of AR's now don't you"? He said, "I've tried all over to buy one but everyone is sold out". I guess he saw the look on my face and he changed the subject.

Go figure!


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I still have a stripped lower in my cabinet...I guess it is going to stay that way for a while until the madness passes. I will never pay a premium for something that I could have gotten cheaper a few weeks ago. Any business that I see price gouging will never receive my business again...CTD comes to mind. They aren't all that cheap anyway.

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Ammunition, Magazines, Rifle Parts, Bulk Ammo and Rifle Accessories - Palmetto State Armory

This company still has AR parts and the sort availible. I have been spending like a drunken sailor the last few weeks buying my own Christmas gifts. ONLY buying what I know not to be over priced. I expect a premium on anything tactical. But I refuse to overpay. I made smart purchases back in 99 when the Y2K scare was looming.

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ammo seems to be in short supply too. right now i've got just over a 100 rounds of Black Hills 60gr Vmax in 223. I'm hoping that'll last me well into the woodchuck season here this spring and summer... it'll be interesting looking to resupply though. if i run out and have to go out with gas cartridges and a shovel to each of dad's hay fields that chucks invaded, i'll be an unhappy camper! I'm not paying ridiculous prices for ammo because some shop is the only ones that have it either. same as you all with ARs.

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My son just paid this morning in Dutchess county ,NY at Colllectors Ammo and guns, Hopewell Junction. 66cents a round for Lake City mfg with brass case 5.56. $279 for 420rds.

This same shop has AR recievers for $110 stripped and Stag lowers complete for $250. Those are dang good prices on the AR's. The ammo is a bit pricey. But if you can get it...You get it.

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  wtnhunt said:
For a sportical, might look at dpms. In my experience the dpms is not as tight as the rock river, but dpms do shoot well. They had a dpms sportical at wal mart new for around $700, BUT that may no longer be the case. Our wal mart actually had a couple new AR's in .223 that were under $700, but last time I was in there they had very few on display, stock has been limited since just prior to November and has continued to be only a few in the display case up until last week. Don't know much first hand about them but have heard windham arms carries a lifetime warranty on their AR's. They are a newer company with a lot of employees from bushmaster. Wal mart here had one of their AR's under $700 not too long back.

Wal mart HAS NOT pulled AR's, they just cannot get them in and keep any in stock. Our gun counter manager told me this morning he is still getting some in and still at the price they had prior to November, however he said that the prices may not stay where they are. If I understood him right he said he sold 60 AR's in the past week or so. It would be worth checking a wal mart store, if you have one that carries guns nearby to see if they will let you buy one/pre-order. Their instore special order catalog should still show all the models they can get even though online it only shows the 2 sigs.

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  • 8 years later...
  On 12/25/2012 at 9:13 PM, Adjam5 said:

Ammunition, Magazines, Rifle Parts, Bulk Ammo and Rifle Accessories - Palmetto State Armory

This company still has AR parts and the sort availible. I have been spending like a drunken sailor the last few weeks buying my own Christmas gifts. ONLY buying what I know not to be over priced. I expect a premium on anything tactical. But I refuse to overpay. I made smart purchases back in 99 when the Y2K scare was looming.


Wow, Well you can also try verified palmetto state armory coupon codes to save more on ar15, ar13 and mp5 purchases. Daily deal is also a saving hack

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