Remember the good ole days?


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The old original Nintendo.... used to play this for hours and hours. Picked this up off Ebay with Super Mario 1,2 and 3 along with Dr. Mario and Karnov for a great price. Then bought Stealth and Excitebike afterwards which were games I loved to play when I was a kid. :cool: Really neat to play it again! Have always wanted to collect something and now I think I've found what I want to collect. Should be worth a lot more money in the years to come! Having a blast playing it, sure brings back memories. Would much rather play this than my Nintendo Wii or PS3!




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I still remember the Christmas that my brother and I got one. I loved Mike Tyson's Punch Out and Tecmo Bowl. Funny how you had to blow into the game and console and also tap the sides of the game to make it work after they got worn out. My parents still have ours along with about 25 games in their basement. I should get it out this weekend and play it.

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how about Ive dated myself!!

That was our first when I was a kid about 5 or 6 years old.

We had an atari and a lot of games for it. Think it got ripped off when some kids stole a bunch of stuff from our barn years ago, the barn was the last place I remember seeing it and I know it is no longer there.

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Yeah I remember when we got ours, then I also remember the year that Super Nintendo we got it for Christmas, that was a fun one too!

Kyle, duck hunt is on the Mario game but for some reason the tv won't pick up the zapper gun! I was disappointed about that! Not sure if it's because it's an LCD or if it's something with the gun itself. you can hear it shoot but it won't show up on the tv.

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