My local paper published names/address' of handgun permit holders


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Its getting even worse. The press here has published online the names and address of law abiding handgun owners in my county and surrounding counties.

Now criminals know whos house to rob to get guns and who is unprotected also. Attacking the law abiding is way easier than putting the bad guys in jail. Somehow now, having a gun makes you evil and a potential physcopath. Incredible. Great going Journal news.

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They are hiding behind the first amendment. Freedom of information laws make this information readily accesable. Any municpal permit or license information is availible to anyone who files the proper paperwork.

Here is the main article link.|topnews|text|News

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I don't know about this Anthony ,, freedom of speach and privacy rights to me are two seperate issues. And releasing names and addresses to me would be a big violation of privacy.

Printed in this article they it even hints at this ..

Anyone can find out the names and addresses of handgun owners in any county with a simple Freedom of Information Law request, and the state’s top public records expert told The Journal News last week that he thinks the law does not bar the release of other details

But officials in county clerk’s offices in Westchester, Rockland and Putnam maintain the public does not have a right to see such things as the specific permits an individual has been issued, the types of handguns a person possesses or the number of guns he or she owns — whether one or a dozen.

These are just a couple of things from the article. Let me say this tho. I'm in no way a expert or lawyer so I could be way off base, but I think the realease of these names and addresses is a breech of the federal privacy act.

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I don't see the counties that released the info inviting lawsuits by giving the info out. This is not the first time they have done this. How many and what kind was not released. My phone has been ringing all day from friends and family regarding this issue. Going to be interesting how this will play out.

Edited by Adjam5
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I guess we can all hold our breathe Anthony, and pray no crack pot out there decides to do evil with this info ... :(

I believe the counties released the info to the individual with proper paperwork, it's what the individual did with that info that makes it so wrong in my opinion. Like I said I don't know if the privacy act was ignored or not. But it sure doesn't seem right, and worth checking into.

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  hoosierhunter said:
I hope every gun owner cancels their paper plan with these idiots!

I second that!

This is appalling. Out would surprise many folks to see just what is a matter of public record. Divorces, gun permits, a host of other things, but even so, to publish that cart Blanche is irresponsible and dangerous. I personally do not think the public had a right to know what's in my house. Great journalism there! :mad:

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I agree John. Quite irresponsible on their behalf. But they are part of the media that is on board with demonizing guns. Look where I live? 40 miles north of NYC. So many people around here have not been exposed to guns or hunting. So they are left to be given opinions on these matters by the press. So many believe what the paper says. Even the police around here do not know the laws. My oldest son Joe gets harrased constantly by local police that say there is no hunting in our town. Which is a lie. The state regulates hunting, not local municipalities. Anything around here done with a weapon of any kind is highly discouraged.

My son Joe turned 21 a few weeks ago and applied for his pistol permit. He was told he may not get it because the judge who signs off on the permits thinks 20 somethings are too young to own guns. This is where I live...I cannot retire soon enough and move to Texas.

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  stevebeilgard said:
with a little time, anthony, you can have some fun. find out a list of all the reporters and owners of the paper. then, get their personal phone numbers and addresses, and publish them in other local papers. or on talk radio. give them a taste of their won medecine.

How's this?

Editor VP/news:

Cyndee Royle

133 Westchester Ave

Suite N110

White Plains NY 11604

(914) 694-9300


Nancy Cutter

9 Woodwind Ln

Spring valley NY

(845) 354-3485

Story Reporter:

Dwight Worley

23006 139 Ave

Springfield Gardens NY



Edited by The Bug House
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Imagine if a newspaper published a list of names and addresses of every person with a prior divorce in a county? Public records no doubt in the courthouse in which they were filled but irresponsible just the same as this, in that it is reckless and there is no common public good that is served. But can you imagine the outrage?

Something to think about.

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Seems like you and a few others had the same idea Bug. I opened up my Email and there are 3 e mails with the names, addys and home phone#'s of the jerks who are responsible for the trash piece of journalism. One from The county's Sportsmans Federation pres, one from NY Bowhunters Pres and One from the local rep of the NYS Rifle and pistol assoc. I called each one and the lines either ring til no end with no answer or the mail box's are full. I am going to try and call again at 4am when I get up for work ;).

Thanks for your post Bug and the support.

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Ha! Thanks for the link Luke. I don't do facebook.

This seems to have gone viral. They pissed off many many folks with their irresponsibility.

I hope they get bombarded every which way with protests and calls objecting to their trash. I have been trying to call for over and hour! Gun owners cannot let up on this issue.

Would you believe they linked law abiding gun owners to the killings in Newtown,CT? Read todays article on this trash.|topnews|text|News

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