Fiscal Cliff here we come

Ravin R10 man

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I'm not sure which fiscal liff were presently in. But with certainty we will eventually have a major fiscal cliff (deep depression) coming in the near future.

What's the government doing about it? The Obama administration thinks they have the solution by simply printing more money! Evidently Obama never took a class in history or economics. And there is so much going on behind closed doors by this administration that is not in the best interests of the American people.

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Obama gives congress a raise, all the while we the american people are looking at pretty well all taxpayers with a higher burden put on them. Congress needs fired, pretty well ALL of them with the exception of maybe a handful!

Senate did pass a bill early this morning though. Some speculation it will make it in the house, however they shot down a deal last week that would raise taxes only on those with over double the income this senate deal calls for, so not sure how it shakes out for this to pass since the spending cuts are nowhere near where they need to be.

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The Fiscal Cliff will remain with us throughout this administration.

On one hand, Obama wants to spend $1.7 Trillion more on top of what the government has spent the past four years. Obama wants to make major cuts in Medicare, yet not take any cuts in entitlements. Entitlements, that played a large part in Obama winning re-election. Giving the lazy more benefits. As if Welfare recipients don't have it good already, he wants to give them more. Obama has put more people on Food Stamps and Welfare than any President in the past thirty years or so. He gives free cell phones away. He allows illegal immigrants to stay and take advantage of our nation (taxpayer). He literally bought votes and is still buying votes. We need to put welfare recipients to work and take drug tests before they get any money.

Our whole country needs a serious overhaul and take back our country from China. It's obvious Washington isn't fixing anything. The President is a wothless Socialist politician. We need to fire the lawyers in Washington and put them in the unemployment lines, then fill all those empty seats in Washington with people who will actually do something and work together to make our country great and respected once again.

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uncle jay is pretty funny. i cannot see where either side has any idea of how to handle the situation. boehner just gave away the farm, and got nothing. oh,yea, he got re-elected speaker. i can't be less thrilled. so, our interest rates will go up, our credit rating will go down, and it will be bushs fault. after all, what washington has been sussessful at for the past 4 years is blaming bush. or the republicans.

we re-elected a washington crowd with an 8% favorability rating, to another term. we get what's coming. me?? i'm braced and ready.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Neither party OR the so called President is addresing the real problem;

Our Debt and spending

We are borrowing .46 of every car dvd players dollar spent, no mention of a balanced budget..

but we must tax the has to be the problem

It is all about making money and nothing to deal with real problem

Edited by Rhaskel
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