Cost of Heavy Shot


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Re: Cost of Heavy Shot

This is what I got at that link:


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' Create the AspEventlog object

Dim xObj, bResult, objASPError, strErrorDetail

Set objASPError = Server.GetLastError

Set xObj = Server.CreateObject("SOFTWING.ASPEventlog")

strErrorDetail = "ASPCode - " & objASPError.ASPCode & "<BR>" & vbCRLF & _

"Number - " & objASPError.Number & "<BR>" & vbCRLF & _

"Source - " & objASPError.Source & "<BR>" & vbCRLF & _

"File Name - " & objASPError.File & "<BR>" & vbCRLF & _

"LineNumber - " & objASPError.Line & "<BR>" & vbCRLF & _

"Description - " & objASPError.Description & "<BR>" & vbCRLF & _

"ASPDescription - " & objASPError.ASPDescription

' open the log and report the status

bResult = xObj.Open()

'Response.Write "Open called with return value of: " & bResult & "<BR>" & vbCRLF

' write a information type event and give feedback

bResult = xObj.ReportEvent(EVENTLOG_ERROR_TYPE, strErrorDetail)

'Response.Write "Event was reported successfully: " & bResult & "<BR>" & vbCRLF

' close the log (would be done automatically on object destruction)

bResult = xObj.Close()

'Response.Write "Log closed successfully: " & bResult & "<BR>" & vbCRLF

' delete the object and free up memory

Set xObj = Nothing


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Re: Cost of Heavy Shot


My 11/87 spst and my Super X-2 both love it. Ya big deal it is 20.00 a box, that is what one case of beer cost. And you get less from it. 10 shells = 10 dead turkeys.......

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It's $25.00 here too.

$10.00 per box federal flight control. 10 DEAD BIRDS.

Not saying heavy isn't good but I guarantee that your heavy shot bird won't be any deader than my lead shot bird.

I'll save the expensive stuff for Bear, Elk, and Deer. Heck, I used Tungsten and Bismuth for jumpshooting geese when I used to chase them. But to shoot a staionary bird thats probably keyed in on your decoy? I'm not sold. I'll buy the 20 ga. arguement but not the twelve.

The pattern will dispurse before you lose energy with lead so whats the point?

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Re: Cost of Heavy Shot

With 5 different hunters with 5 different shotgunsit is difficult for me to justify the cost of experiemnting with new loads. We get great patterns right now with what we have. But maybe if I was a single man I would give it a try. wink.gif

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Re: Cost of Heavy Shot

This has been said before...what shoots well for one, may not shoot well for someone else.

My gun shoots well with 3 1/2" heavy shot...and I haven't found anything better. I owe it to the bird to shoot what I feel is the best shooting shells from my gun. I don't feel the price is that bad...we aren't talking hundreds like some bows, guns, scopes that folks have no prob. buying? confused.gif We spend hundreds on the weapon we will use, some may spend hundreds on gear (vest, calls, chokes, decoy's, camo clothes, boots etc. etc...) but won't throw down $10 to try another type of shell????? confused.gif

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Guest gfourhunter

Re: Cost of Heavy Shot


With 5 different hunters with 5 different shotgunsit is difficult for me to justify the cost of experiemnting with new loads. We get great patterns right now with what we have. But maybe if I was a single man I would give it a try. wink.gif

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i hear that. when you have alot of kids it costs alot to shoot heavy shot for all of them. plus the new fed flight controle wod has been most inpressive for me and all of my hunting friends this year.

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Re: Cost of Heavy Shot

The "cost" of Hevi-Shot that concerns me more than the pricetag is the possibility of what it may be doing to my gun. I'm not willing to subject my investments (and, yes.......some of our turkey guns are "investments") to the wear and tear of a $2 shotgun shell. The Rockwell hardness of Hevi-Shot is quite a bit higher than that of barrel or choke-tube steel. Sand your bore if you choose. I don't want to be using ammo with disclaimers on the box. I don't need to.

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Re: Cost of Heavy Shot

Strut, I hear your concerns about barrel wear.

BUT!! The shot cup that holds the shot stays with the shot until after it leaves the barrel, and doesn't separate until quite a distance down range. The actual shot doesn't even come in contact with the barrel. I don't see where you'd think it would cause barrel wear from????

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Re: Cost of Heavy Shot


The whole works begins to string out upon ignition. I'm not willing to bet my bore on the fact that none of the shot comes in contact with it. The hardness and slag-like shape of Hevi-Shot could very likely pierce through the side of the shotcup.

My second concern is the dynamic of the whole gob slamming down to go through the choke tube. Lead will deform if it has to in order to easily flow through the choke. Hevi-Shot will not. Even if the H-S goes through that tube without a hitch 99 times out of 100.................there's always the chance of that 100th shot.

Ya'll can do what you want. It's just my personal decision to not use the stuff. Again..........I don't feel I need it enough to justify possible complications.

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Guest gfourhunter

Re: Cost of Heavy Shot

well put strut 10. i have never had a problem taking birds before heavy shot. they both will do the job but in indiana you only can take one bird a year. pay all of that for heavy shot for one bird. go to krogers first.

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Re: Cost of Heavy Shot

Not to dispute you here, but it's impossible for the actual shot to come out of the shot cup before the whole works is out the end of the barrel. In a split second the entire wad, and shot are gone and are quite a ways down range in a second's time. Think about that. I realize that your not a hevishot user and have your own concerns, and that's fine. But, I've been there and done that comparing thing, and until something comes along to impress the heck out of me as this Nitro/Rhino does, I'm a happy camper. wink.gif

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Re: Cost of Heavy Shot


Not to dispute you here, but it's impossible for the actual shot to come out of the shot cup before the whole works is out the end of the barrel.

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I think you are sorta wrong here soon as you fire that shell...the bb's (heavyshot) whether or not still in the "cup" has to go through the forcing cone, and then through (in most cases) a tighter choke. Thats why your shot string maybe several feet long. All the bb's can't come out in one bunch.

With all that said, I still have a hard time believing that the rockwell hardness of the lead/tungston shot is harder than my barrel. confused.gif My opinion is, if it was that much harder...I'd see alot of proof inside my barrel...and I don't.

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Re: Cost of Heavy Shot

Snapper, the Hevisot is softer than steel, so it compresses once it goes through the choke tube. Strut10 said that the actual shot comes in contact with the inside of the barrel, which is 100% false!!! I have read where companies that make hevishot loads, mention the fact right on their web-sites, that the stuff will compress through the choke tubes. Tru-Glo mentioned that at best, it might leave a black mark from the wad as it passes through. No mention what so ever about damaging the barrel or choke tube???? I also inclined to believe that all this talk is just speculation on some peoples part. Think about this for a second or two. Do you really think that they would actualy make loads that damage your barrel, choke tubes, or gun, and leave themselves open for lawsuits and damage claims????? I think not.

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Re: Cost of Heavy Shot


Do you really think that they would actualy make loads that damage your barrel, choke tubes, or gun, and leave themselves open for lawsuits and damage claims????? I think not.

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Dunno. confused.gif

Read the disclaimer on the inside flap of a box of Remington's Hevi-Shot loads sometime.

Dunno. confused.gif

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Re: Cost of Heavy Shot



Do you really think that they would actualy make loads that damage your barrel, choke tubes, or gun, and leave themselves open for lawsuits and damage claims????? I think not.

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Dunno. confused.gif

Read the disclaimer on the inside flap of a box of Remington's Hevi-Shot loads sometime.

Dunno. confused.gif

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Uhh yes I do, go to Beretta's website, Hevishot voids the warrenty.

I know for a fact that when Hevi first came out they had a bunch of problems with the HEVI eating right threw the shotcup on the way out the barrel.

Maytom where did you get this info about Hevi shot Compressing more than Lead????? If something weighs more=more density than there is no way it can compress more.

Anyshot shell thats needs a disclaimer I question.

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Re: Cost of Heavy Shot


Snapper, the Hevisot is softer than steel, so it compresses once it goes through the choke tube. Strut10 said that the actual shot comes in contact with the inside of the barrel, which is 100% false!!! I have read where companies that make hevishot loads, mention the fact right on their web-sites, that the stuff will compress through the choke tubes. Tru-Glo mentioned that at best, it might leave a black mark from the wad as it passes through. No mention what so ever about damaging the barrel or choke tube???? I also inclined to believe that all this talk is just speculation on some peoples part. Think about this for a second or two. Do you really think that they would actualy make loads that damage your barrel, choke tubes, or gun, and leave themselves open for lawsuits and damage claims????? I think not.

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Okay after re-reading I have some questions for maytom first...god forbid a Company making a product and false statements to sell said product. The shot string starts to spread out as soon as it hits the forcing cone i think, that would push the top of the load OUT of the shotcup. But you know Im 100% wrong about this so oh well.

I have recovered four hevishot wads that prove to me that the pellets WILL and DO go through the side of the wad. maybe Nitro uses a differant wad. Handloaders are starting to adress this by wrapping there wads or lubeing the wads. The wads i had where from the remington factory loads.

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