Time to move out of NYS...long arm registration is coming. Read NY residents!


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S805-2013 - NY Senate Open Legislation - Provides for the registration of firearms by the owner thereof at the county clerks office of the county where the owner resides, except in New York City - New York State Senate

Once again. The law abiding are being targeted here in NYS.

Its time to move for me folks. Yes...Gun ownership means that much to me. Each week there is another attack on gun owners either in the paper or on the twisted TV news. Gun owners are being demonized at all angles.

I'd like to move out ASAP, but I still have one son in high school(10th grade) so this is gonna require some deep thought on my behalf.

Scary...very scary.

Registration leads to confiscation. Period.

Now is the time NY residents to voice opposition as soon as you can.

This is NOT gonna go away that easy.

Go to WWW.NRA-ILA.org to find your local politicos and tell them how you feel.

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The wheels seem to be falling off the wagon everywhere you look. Every knee jerking liberal out there is using the Newtowm tragedy for a predetermined agenda already discussed. It is as if there is a directive to do so from the top. Anything barely related to a gun is thrust in the news with non truth fact-less points on the issue. These talking heads on all but a few stations radio and TV are so far out of touch it is incredible.

Anthony, I truly understand where you are coming from.

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Crazy, have they learned nothing from what has taken place in Chicago????? Gun control at its finest and mr. Obama's buddy Emanuel is calling for more restrictions there.

I could not do it Anthony, no way I would register them. I am thankful this state at least has enough lawmakers who support our rights.

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I was just thinking the other day its been almost 6 years since we left NY. Best move I ever made. Not only a far better lifestyle, but affordable as well. I'm glad I was in a position to get out when I did. Years ago I started the process to get a CCW in Suffolk county, ridiculous to say the least. NYS Government is a joke.

I recently saw a John Stossel clip about guns. He mentioned that people in NY and DC are completely ignorant to the fact that we can legally conceal a weapon in the majority of the country. "Isolated from reality" is more like it.

Is your boy committed to finishing school where he is, or is he willing to move? Could you commute from PA if necessary?

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first, it will be years of lawsuits before any new laws take place. then, there is the supreme court who has already backed the 2nd ammendment. another hugh challenge for the antis. finally, you have to realize this is the normal smokescreen for your politicians to look like they care. heck, they know the facts and how to play the game.

now, this is not to say they are not sincere. they would love to take all guns from everyone in the world. that is not going to happen and they know it. so, they are making new laws, argueing amoungst themselves, fluffing up their liberal feathers like they are important, and are quite content to fail. it does take the mind of the servants (us) off the economy....

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If people would write a letter or email to their elected representatives instead of posting about it here it would do far more good.

Believe me you...I have written letters and emails to all of my politicos. It was a tough decision as to wether or not I wanted to write them. Write them and get on the map so to speak, or do nothing and lose your rights. I chose to write them. This will most likely NOT happen in the rest of the country. Just in urban areas where the democraps rule.

Bug...I was in PA over the weeknd at... ahem...lets just say a show ;). My friend and I were discussing a move while we drove. My youngest son is 16 and in deep with the school here. Principals list and a academy of finance selected student. It will be hard to get away before his college choices/possible scholarship(s) is/are done. My wife is freakin about me saying I want to move.

I am attending a meeting tomorrow eve with all the sportsman/gun clubs in the county and we are looking to devise a strategy to combat these current actions in our county and state. I'll kepp y'all in the loop.

BTW Bug...Suffolk huh? I have family in St James. AND...I just got 4 guys on the job to buy their 1st guns. They are from Hicksville,Glen Head, Mt Sinai and Islip.

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Here is some more info.


SCOPE is sending this Alert to put all firearm owners on notice that the time to act is now. New York State has positioned itself to pass the most draconian gun laws in the nation. Governor Cuomo is pressing hard to push these bills through. Without a majority in the State Senate to block these measures; their passage is a very real possibility.

We are asking all members to forward all SCOPE communications to concerned citizens on their contact lists and ask them to contact their legislators. Time is short and the consequences of inaction are unacceptable.

These bills, with the Governor pushing for confiscation or a permit system for Modern Sporting Rifles, represent the biggest threats we have faced since 1968. You cannot relax if you do not own one of these rifles because they will divide and separate. Your firearms are next of their list if they succeed here.

SCOPE’S leadership, while representing thousands of firearm owners through individual memberships and clubs, cannot fight this battle alone. This is your call to action. Your participation is no guarantee that we will win this important fight to protect your Constitutional rights but we can say with certainty that anything short of overwhelming our legislators with calls, emails and letters we have virtually no chance. Truth is the only thing that really motivates most legislators is their next election and by contacting your legislators and letting them know that your vote depends on their support is crucial.

We are doing everything within our power to defend your rights, but remember we are an all-volunteer group and we need you to join us in these efforts.

Here is the ACTION PLAN

Forward this to your friends contacts and associates. Spread the word on Forums like NY Firearms with 6600 members or USA Carry with 45000 members or AR15.com with their 11,000 members etc Share on Face book etc. Pass this to at least 10 people that you know and plan to make some phone calls on Monday and Tuesday!

The Governors State of the State Speech planned for Wednesday January 9 at 1:30 PM.

Gun Owners, their families, friends and supporters of the Constitution need to invest a few minutes of their time and make some phone calls.

On Monday and/or Tuesday of this week, prior to the State of the State Address,

Call the Governor’s Office (518) 474-8390– AND LEAVE THIS MESSAGE:

"I am a law abiding, tax paying, voting, citizen of New York State and I strongly urge you not to impose any further restrictions, laws or regulations on my Second Amendment Rights as granted by the United States Constitution".

Then you call Senate Leader Skelos and Klein and leave the same message.

Then you call Assembly Leader Silver and leave the same message.

Please make these phone call messages to our ELECTED representatives. If the trunk lines into the capital become overloaded with call volume then so be it......this is the goal. WE MUST BE HEARD.

While waiting, you can also access their respective web sites and voice your concern through email message. Write the same message as above or add your own but be civil.

All phone numbers and links are listed below.

Governor at (518) 474-8390, then click the link to leave a message Contact | Governor Andrew M. Cuomo

Senate Majority Co Leader Dean Skelos (518) 455-3171

Dean G. Skelos | New York State Senate

Senate Majority Co Leader Sen. Jeffrey Klein, D-Bronx 518-455-3595

Jeffrey D. Klein's Contact Information | New York State Senate

and Sheldon Silver 518-455-3791

New York State Assembly - Member Section

Make plans now to call on Monday or Tuesday!

You should also forward this to every gun owner you know. Make them call too! Notify you clubs and organizations.


Read this article so you can understand what the power structure is this term.

Call these IDC members which include: Senators Diane Savino, David Valesky, David Carlucci, and Malcolm Smith. Jeff Klein is in the lead. He's working with Skelos as co-majority leader of sorts. These five along with our Republican friends are gun owners only hope.

Senators Diane Savino Phone: (518) 455-2437 Email

Senator David Valesky Phone: (518)-455-2838 Email

Senator David Carlucci Phone: 518-455-2991 Email

Senator Malcolm Smith Phone: (518) 455-2701 Email

Call your own Senator too. Use this tool to find your Rep

Remember that the first phoney AWB we currently have was Introduced, Voted for and Signed in ONE DAY!

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I don't see how this thing would pass....there'd be so many against it and far too many wouldn't register their guns, can't blame them. It's not going to put a stop to murders.

Dunno Ruth. I am not sure what kind of executive powers governors are afforded in a situation like this, if they can go around the state lawmakers, appears he may not have to.

Far as murders, would likely encourage the bad guys who do not play by the rules anyway to be emboldened.

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I'm debating actually joining the NRA....I don't see how this thing would pass....there'd be so many against it and far too many wouldn't register their guns, can't blame them. It's not going to put a stop to murders.

Ruth...what you need to understand is that down state has the numbers/population and politicos kiss their butt. While rural NYers are on the same page as you and I. The downstaters think all gun owners are evil and just waiting to murder. Any gun owner is called a gun nut.

No one protects our gun rights more than the NRA or the NYSRPA New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

Please Ruth...If have some spare time.Call the Gov and your state senator and voice your oppostion to ANY new gun control laws in NYS. The last assault weapon ban in 1994 was presented and passed in ONE Day!

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Bug...I was in PA over the weeknd at... ahem...lets just say a show ;). My friend and I were discussing a move while we drove. My youngest son is 16 and in deep with the school here. Principals list and a academy of finance selected student. It will be hard to get away before his college choices/possible scholarship(s) is/are done. My wife is freakin about me saying I want to move.

I am attending a meeting tomorrow eve with all the sportsman/gun clubs in the county and we are looking to devise a strategy to combat these current actions in our county and state. I'll kepp y'all in the loop.

BTW Bug...Suffolk huh? I have family in St James. AND...I just got 4 guys on the job to buy their 1st guns. They are from Hicksville,Glen Head, Mt Sinai and Islip.

Yup..... I'm a native lawn-guy-landuh. Born in Amityville, moved down south to NC for several years and then back. Lived out in the Islip area most recently. My in-laws still live in East Islip. Can't say I miss it at all, with the exception of the beaches and fishing.

How's this for irony, in 1988 I was on the West Islip HS Rifle Team. We had a beautiful range in the basement of the High School. No one even knows if it exists anymore.

I also have family in West Islip still, my uncle is not much of a hunter or shooter, but he's a lifelong avid fisherman and a member of several sportsman clubs. I spoke with him yesterday and he said that they've called a meeting to discuss a plan of action. He's written his legislation as well. My Grandmother, myself, and another Uncle are land owners in Essex County NY (ADK's) and with their blessing I've written separate letters from us.

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My youngest son is 16 and in deep with the school here. Principals list and a academy of finance selected student. It will be hard to get away before his college choices/possible scholarship(s) is/are done.

Thats a tough call, sounds like you're locked in for another couple of years. Gives you time to square up any loose ends and get the house on the market anyhow...?

My wife is freakin about me saying I want to move.

That was a bit of a battle for me, my wife had never lived anywhere but the house she was raised in on LI. And as we know, as far as Long Islanders are concerned; the entire universe revolves around the Tri-State area and anything north of Westchester is the boonies....lol. She eventually came around and now absolutely loves where we live. Small town (2500 people), affordable (She's a stay at home mom), and the sense of community we have here just doesn't exist down there. And honestly its only 4.5 hours by car to her parents. That was key, if it was up to me we'd live in an off grid camp in Northern NH somewhere, but this is a good compromise.

The best part is that my Mother in Law treats it like we're up in the Arctic tundra or something. She refuses to drive here alone, she acts as if we're living some sort of frontier life and only visits once a year during the Summer. Thats JUST FINE with me!

You should've seen the look on her face when she realized that I take the recyclables and trash to the dump myself.."Don't they do that for you?!".

But this Nanny-State dependency runs rampant down there, and thats why you're going to see these bans.

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Ha! Had no idea you were a former New Yawker! :).

My youngest boy has me locked in here for a little bit more with his academic future. Good for him...bad for me. Well, maybe not so bad for me. He is my son.

Yes, folks here in the tri state area are very used to things being done for them. My wife grew up in Manhattan and I had a massive battle with her with us moving here to Rockland county. It was affordable 18 years ago when we moved here and my taxes were 1800/year...Now...I am almost 10g's!...Yup...I said 10 grand. I have nothing spectacular for a home either...a 1400sqft ranch w 3 bedrooms(built in 1958) and a 1/3 of an acre. On that principle alone...I need to get out of NYS. Forget about all the other stuff that pushes you move. That is enough.

My ultimate goal is to move to the Texas Hill country(Kerr or Gillespie county). I have been going there the last 6 years and fell in love with the area and the Texas state of mind.

Matter of fact I am going down there this Feb and I will be looking hard a property there I have had my eye on for a while.

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