Almost perfect night


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It's the antlerless firearms season now in Kansas. Wasn't really planning on doing much with it. It's been the worst season ever for me. Didn't get a place to hunt til early November, didn't see much even then etc. But it changed last night. I'm a youth pastor and a few weeks ago a couple of girls started coming to youth group. So I'm talking to them and we started talking about how one of them bow hunts and she shoots a Hoyt. She mentions her dad runs a guide service. Anyways to make a long story short(er), her dad calls me up and says if I'd like to come up to one of his properties and kill a doe I'd be more than welcome to. So I happily agree. I hunted last night and last count at 50 deer! I've never seen that many deer in one sitting. I was on stand from 3 til dark an basically had deer in the fields all nights. Never had a doe get into bow range but did have a couple young bucks at 20 doing a little sparring and messing around. Great night! Almost perfect. I'm back in the same area this morning and I've seen 6 but still haven't had any shot opportunities. Just excited to he seeing some deer!

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