New York gun laws


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Messed up situation there for sure. Few ideas come to mind, probably best I don't openly post them though.

This is only the beginning folks...

Yup, gonna be real interesting to see what comes in the next few days from obama. Already been said by Biden that he would pass through his gun control by executive order without congress approval.

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I live in this useless state and I am Pissed!

I have a lot more to say but will cut this short for the time being but you will hear from me.

All I will say is it's coming to a state near you. Get off your backsides and get into the fight NOW!

Rally all your friends and start a phone, E-Mail and letter campaign.

The only way to lose a fight is to quit fighting. Give it your best shot.

Good Luck,


I have some really unkind words for Dick's Sporting Goods! TRAITORS!

You will hear more on this also.

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Effective immediately over 300,00 NY gun owners are now criminals. The governor signed the bill last night and it has been stated the bill is effective immediately. There is no time limit. YES assault weapons are now banned to buy and sell within NY. All semi automatics whether rifle or pistol shall have no more the 7 rounds loaded. There is a 5 round clip made for the Ruger 10/22 which is now considered a assault weapon in NY. Furthermore everyone who now goes and buys ammo in NY will be required to pass a background FBI check each and every time you purchase.

James D. Tresmond, Esq. of Western NY is working on a Class Action Lawsuit to be filed in the western district federal court against New York State. Citing implications on the 1st Amendment, 2nd Amendment, and 5th Amendment of the United States Constitution, along with citing the decisions resulting from recent Supreme Court Cases (e.g. District of Columbia v. Heller and McDonald v. Chicago), he believes that this is an ex facto law and a violation of our civil rights. THERE IS NO COST TO PARTICIPATE, AND JAMES D. TRESMOND, ESQ. IS NOT CHARGING ANY OF US FOR HIS SERVICES. Defend New York Second Amendment Rights in 3 Easy Steps

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Effective immediately over 300,00 NY gun owners are now criminals. The governor signed the bill last night and it has been stated the bill is effective immediately. There is no time limit. YES assault weapons are now banned to buy and sell within NY. All semi automatics whether rifle or pistol shall have no more the 7 rounds loaded. There is a 5 round clip made for the Ruger 10/22 which is now considered a assault weapon in NY. Furthermore everyone who now goes and buys ammo in NY will be required to pass a background FBI check each and every time you purchase.

James D. Tresmond, Esq. of Western NY is working on a Class Action Lawsuit to be filed in the western district federal court against New York State. Citing implications on the 1st Amendment, 2nd Amendment, and 5th Amendment of the United States Constitution, along with citing the decisions resulting from recent Supreme Court Cases (e.g. District of Columbia v. Heller and McDonald v. Chicago), he believes that this is an ex facto law and a violation of our civil rights. THERE IS NO COST TO PARTICIPATE, AND JAMES D. TRESMOND, ESQ. IS NOT CHARGING ANY OF US FOR HIS SERVICES. Defend New York Second Amendment Rights in 3 Easy Steps

Unreal that your governor was able to sign that through. Wow, absolute craziness. And background checks to purchase ammo?

Have read that Obama cannot use executive to stop the sale of " any weapons, or magazines

The president does not have the power to make any new laws. I sure hope that is the case. Congress should stand up for our rights.


From what I have heard Mike, at least one member of congress will be looking to push forward with impeachment if obama moves forward with his plan. obama once again will abuse his powers and force his will on the american people. My reps will be hearing from me on this and guessing they will follow suit on impeachment.

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I am shocked and saddened over what has happened in my state. Having 3 guns within the ban now makes me an outlaw.

Looks like ammo sales will go up in our border states. Sure am glad that I do a lot of reloading.

Please go and sign this petition to have this disgusting mess overturned.


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There are supposedly some exemptions for .22's but they haven't read the bill yet in it's entirety to see what is really in it! (Go figure)

One thing they did discover this morning though is there is NO EXEMPTION for law enforcement! This means every cop in the state is commiting a felony as we speak.

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One thing they did discover this morning though is there is NO EXEMPTION for law enforcement! This means every cop in the state is commiting a felony as we speak.

If this is true they will most certainly have blood on their hands. Every criminal or thug out there will be outgunning the NY LE officers. The police unions will be suing their employers and the state for wrongfull death.

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PS: Any of you New Yorkers looking to sell your soon to be illegal magazines and guns... PM me

good luck to all

the dog

I am putting a binder on a property in the Texas Hill Country. I will not need to sell anything. I am gonna miss my oldest son Joe( he will move ahead of me). He wants out of here in the worst way. Can't blame him.Wife and I are kind of stuck for a while with my youngest son still in high school for 2 more years and I have 7 more to retire with full bennies.

But rest assured...I am getting out of NYS.

BTW...Cheaper than dirt is elling 30rd AR mags for $129 each!

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I dont live in NY any more however I did for 5 years and I do own several guns that would fall under that law... All I have to say is let someone try to take my weapons away or try to arrest me for a gun that was purchased legally... Like it has been said before this is only the beggining. If this shinanigans continues then we wont be the 50 states anylonger.. Now I could be way off here but I would like think that there is more people out there that wont stand for this...

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