Outlawing weapons?


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Outlawing weapons?

Ya know banning guns won't solve anything, do you think a person sick enough to shoot tons of little kids will say "oh no! They banned guns! I guess I'll have to find another way to murder them" heck no if a person is sick enough to kill people in the first place he will get his hands on a gun if their banned or not.. That's just my reasoning.

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last year more people were killed with hammers than weapons.. looks like they need to be outlawed aswell. And not to mention the amount of people that O.D. on heroin and other drugs looks like they need to be made illegal aswell, Oh wait they are. On the same day or maybe the day before the Sandy hook shooting a guy walked into a Chinese school stabbed and killed ( i dont know the exact number) alot of kids. The point is Its the person not the weapon you take away gun and they will use something else. Just becouse I take away a construction workers hammer doesnt mean he wont build the house, he will just use a screw driver instead.

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