Sports show cancelled, But who actually won????


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OK, it's cancelled but who won? the anti hunters and anti gun folks have been trying to shut down this show for years. They could never get it done, I agree with the boycot but lets look at the over all picture. The community has lost an estimated $80,000,000.00 from the show being cancelled. Closer to home My father in law lost not only the $1,500.00 booth fee but also a major part of his yearly income he gets at the show. It's easy to sit back and save yourselfs money by not attending but what of the little guy who just lost $7,000.00 of his yearly $30,000.00 income. Not all the vendors at the show can afford for this not to happen. I know a local dog treat bakery that was going to use this event to launch a buisness, she and her daughters have been working for 4 weeks getting ready for this show. This could bankrupt her, Please understand I agree with them not having the right to not allow legal guns to be on display there, I'm just saying if it was you loosing out like this would you be as happy about getting it cancelled? To be honest I'm not sure who actually won this one. We don't have a show, and the anti's don't have to protest it this year.

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sadly, there will be all too many small businesses who lose because of that show closure. none of them will like it. but, in the big picture sportsmen have won a very large gun battle. the show will lose tens of millions of dollars which will hurt them. that's good, as they made the decision and were proven wrong. i doubt they will ever do that again. trickling down the line are lots of small businesses, like the dog treats, that will lose out. my heart goes out to them, but those things are a big part of all small businesses. hopefully they will all survive.

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i think Steve did put it well. Millions will be without jobs if ARs get banned. There are so many small businesses out there that solely employ Americans here in the US that make AR parts, complete rifles, and accessories. Many most haven't even heard of. They all will be hard pressed to make it through an "assault weapon" ban. So the 'fall out' from this AR ban train may not be over.

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Yes, it is sad that folks will lose money of the politics played out by Reed expos. That does bite. But if the show was cancelled by the people who run it...should'nt your father in law get his $ back?

Keep this in mind...It was Reed that cast the first stone. Gun owners/ hunters/celebs everywhere repsonded to that first stone. Reed made their they can lie in it.

BTW...The NSSF has had Reed Expos run the Shot Show for a number of years. If you read their latest statement...They are considering dropping Reed as their promoter for the shot show because of the current situation.

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This was a statement released by Reed Exhibitions:

Refunds will be provided for all fees paid to date (January 24, 2013) to Reed Exhibitions for the 2013 Eastern Sports and Outdoor Show. We will detail the refund process on our web site and in an additional email by January 31, 2013.

Here's a link to the statement,

REED Exhibitions to Refund ALL Fees Paid To Date !!! | My Northeast OutdoorsMy Northeast Outdoors

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I hope you didn't misunderstand mt thread, I was also not going to attend the show due to the decision of the people putting on the show. But my question still stands, I think as gun owners we did send a message loud and clear, but with loosing this show we lost. This was a stand, but don't think for a minute that it was a victory for our side. We just lost the largest hunting and fishing expo in the country. I am glad our voice was heard, but very sad at our loss.

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Well, this one's easy,....'IT'S OBAMMA'S FAULT"

The Sportsmen and related Businesses stood TOGETHER...NOBODY was fighting amongst each other..

this was a stand against the Liberal mindset gungrabbing powers that be, apparently REED is a push over and dont have the Gonads to to do it....Be gone with them then.

The message WE have sent could NOT be more CLEARER..WE stand together!

Feel bad for the people that will loose$$...maybe bad timing for some...

The Boycott was a MUST.

Edited by Mathews XT Man
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I was on another forum a few minutes ago and the sentiments ran closely to the way they are running here. We all feel badly for those who have lost out.

I'm hoping the show will go on at a later date with a new production company while Reed goes home to Great Britain whipped. Never to return.

I also threw this out:

When the constitution was written and the second ammendment was added the words were written to protect us as citizens from tyranny. Tyranny from who? Great Britain! Suppose Reed had pulled this off. They could go home and be national heroes. They would have infringed upon our rights and could rub it right into our faces. Now suppose someone in our own administration had some imput into the decision to impose the ban right from the start. See where I am going with this? Far fetched? Maybe, maybe not.

Just thinking out loud.


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  jbeck said:
I hope you didn't misunderstand mt thread, I was also not going to attend the show due to the decision of the people putting on the show. But my question still stands, I think as gun owners we did send a message loud and clear, but with loosing this show we lost. This was a stand, but don't think for a minute that it was a victory for our side. We just lost the largest hunting and fishing expo in the country. I am glad our voice was heard, but very sad at our loss.
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jbeck; losing the show for THIS year is ok...apparently REED has to be replaced as the show vendor..that is where the problem was....they caved into the media "hype" about AR's...when the fact is..if they would have stood their ground with "US"...they probably would of had the biggest show EVER!

We can always put on a show..just not with these clowns running it.

Does anyone know if they are even a U.S. company??

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Shame that the fall out from this over political garbage that obama could have took in a different direction is going to hurt many. Sad to see anyone lose potential income over the show, unfortunate part of business though. Good to see refunds will be given, hope those businesses that were counting on this show helping generate revenue for them will find some other way to compensate.

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  Adjam5 said:
Sorry Too...We are not fighting against each other...Gun owners stuck together and we won. Reed expo was a anti and they were defeated. So we did fight...But against someone who was against law abiding gun owners.

ALL SPORTSMEN stuck together... not just gun owners!!!

Secondly and most important... We are talking about the 2nd amendment to the US Constitution. What is more importtant then the laws that this country was founded on???

good luck to all

the dog

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  pointing_dogs_rule said:
ALL SPORTSMEN stuck together... not just gun owners!!!

Secondly and most important... We are talking about the 2nd amendment to the US Constitution. What is more importtant then the laws that this country was founded on???

good luck to all

the dog

I sit corrected. Yes, it was ALL sportsmen.

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It was a win for the second amendment and a warning for those who dabble with their 'version' of what's reasonable gun control and restrictions. As we saw with Zumbo, the gun owners are passionate.

Too bad that it's easier to cancel a show than unelect people who would take away your rights if given just a few more votes in the Senata/Congress.

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