Happy Birthday Bruce_Schmeck!


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Re: Happy Birthday Bruce_Schmeck!



Happy Birthday Bruce! I was up early and seen that so I thought I would be the first to conratulate ya!

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Yeah... CONRATULATIONS Bruce grin.gif.....LOL

and HAPPY BIRTDAY smile.gif

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yeah I think I spelled it wrong! Everyone always congratsme on my b-day so I thought I would congrats him! LOL grin.gif

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Re: Happy Birthday Bruce_Schmeck!

Thanks everyone. Congrats, conrats, smirkday, whatever, it still boils down to being another day (year) older. wink.gif

They asked me how old I was at work today and I told them well, some days I'm two, others I'm six, sometimes I'm eighteen, then sometimes I'm 52, and others I'm 70. Somedays I'm all of them in the same day. confused.gifblush.giffrown.gifsmirk.gif That last one's for GW.

Thanks again!

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