For the animal rights' people...


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I wonder if one of there followers was someone who hit a deer and left it laying in a field alive last night:hammer1:

Driving home about 11:30pm I just happen to see out of corner of my eye something darking laying off the road edge in a field...I kept driving then decided to turn around and go back. Mind you it's dark but clear skies and snow made it light. Sure enough I go back and it's a deer laying there. I get out and take a few steps and can see blood in the snow, the deer tries to get up and flops over, it's back end bloody and mangled, looked like it's hind legs completely shattered. I drove home, called the DEC, no one on duty, so called the state police and asked someone to go dispatch it and gave them directions, they said they'd send someone out to take care of...I hope they did. It disgusts me that someone would leave it lay must have done some damage to their vehicle...

See PETA....hunting and hunters are not cruel.... If anything hunters, at least I would hope so, have a heart for the animals they hunt. Stick that in your pipe:cool2:

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For the animal rights' people...

I live in Chicago and this is a HUGE problem. There are areas in the forest preserves around here where the deer are so thick that at any one time there you'll see 2 or 3 lying dead on the side of the road freshly killed. And because they are designated preserves there is no hunting allowed and the population goes unchecked. It sickens me to see these animals suffer and have to scrounge for food or cover because of it. Then the state pays brings in snipers to kill some off. It makes no sense to me. Why not open a short season to bow hunters and make some money off of it? Make it a lottery so there aren't ten thousand hunters on 10 acres of land and practice some sound management? too much sense I guess. I wouldn't open it to gun hunting though. Too many neighborhoods close by that stray rounds could hit. And we don't need to give the anti gun/anti hunters anymore excuses. But what do I know?

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Glad it wasn't in the road Ruth, obviously could have been worse. Seen quite a few that have been hit over the years, and hit one myself once, they can do an incredible amount of damage and even result in injuries or death to those in cars/trucks.

Some around here seem to think our state wildlife managment is in bed with the insurance co's when it comes to the harvest limits. Liberal limit counties like ours you can kill 3 antlerless(that includes spikes with less than 3 inches of bone) a day over the lengthy season. Dunno that is really helping, cannot say as though the number of roadkills I see has been significantly decreased since the implementation of liberal limits on antlerless, although the number of deer particularly does we see on our property about a mile away from the nearest highway has seen a definite decline.

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This happens. Especially at that time of the evening I would suspect the driver may have had a toddy or two. No way was he or she going to stop and get caught for DWI etc. It could also have been a big truck with little or no damage and the driver just continued on. Lots of variables here.

To stop and dispatch the deer would be illegal here even with the best of intentions. Fines can run high for doing this.

Seldom is the meat really good after road kill. Blood throught the whole carcass and usually has to be thrown out anyway. Rarely is a deer worth the trouble picking up after it has been hit by a motor vehicle.

You did the right thing calling the law to do it's job. It does create work for them as they have to write a report to account for the round(s) they used dispatching the deer.

I hate to see this happen myself but you handled it properly IMO. Good for you.


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colorado bob - I wish more people picked up deer around here...This deer definitely would have been too much of a mess to salvage but I see alot of car hit deer in fine shape left laying and I know there are people out there who could use the meat...

Cros were already on the carcass when I went to work yesterday, at least it's feeding something.

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Roadkill law here allows people to pick up deer, never done it myself but know people do. Saw one in a field this year laying down with its head up less than 30 yards from the road. I thought it might have been hit and considered the possibility, but it was not there when I came back by 35-45 minutes later.

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Saw one recently (Close to where 535Hunter lives)that must've just exploded upon impact. Carcass sat on the shoulder for a few days before it was removed. VTbrshbstr recently made a post about a roadkill he was able to salvage and get into the freezer. Glad it was off the road TG, hitting a Deer or Moose scares the crap out of me.

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I've put down a few of them as well. I typically haven't waited and just handle it, but they really do not like driving up and seeing the deer already hanging and skinned.

That is what I do..he did not have a prob with it..he said just dont cut it up until I see it first. had it skinned and hung he tagged them no prob.

I will not allow an animal to suffer, and Im going to get the meat cooled down asap, He fully understood that, even though you are not supposed to touch them

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