If you are looking for decoys...


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I'm old school so I can't tell you the last time I used a decoy in MS. Too much trouble for the style of turkey hunting I choose to use chasing MS gobblers. In the few years I did in MS (long time ago) I had the same mixed results mentioned above. I absolutely hate sitting in a blind too so I don't. Just me but it takes away from my overall outdoor hunting experience along with my ability to move as I see fit. My old school attiude is...the best place to be to kill a gobbler is between where he is and where he wants to go. That changes based on where he chooses to be on a particular day (and time of day) when I set up to hunt him.

However, in MO last year I did use decoys some while hunting near the edge of some big fields. Last year I killed my 1st gobbler in MO without a decoy...2nd with a hen decoy. With that said, I bought some DSD decoys to use in MO this year. Awesome looking decoys that are the closest I've ever seen to the real thing or a mounted bird...but they sure are proud of them.

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There is a big old bird here I've missed the last 3 seasons and I'm hoping he's still around...missed him last year when he came running in to my other cheap jake decoy...blew off a log instead. Wanted a diff decoy so if he's around this year, Ill hopefully fool him. One spring hunted state land and had a gobbler coming in, then he hung up, saw the decoys, and left. So I agree...they either work or they don't but for the most part I've had them work.

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