Applying for tags?

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It's really easy. Easiest way is for Colorado is to go to the

You can apply online & the system won't let you make a mistake. the code for a deer point only is D-P-999-99-P

You have to April 2nd to apply.

I'm not sure if you can apply online for WY. I know you still have time to buy a point there. Bob

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It will cost you $364 to apply. Then you will be refunded the money in June. Less $10 habitat stamp, $25 for the point since you don't have a Colorado license from 2012, $3 application fee. So, your refund will be $326.

Each game management unit requires different points to draw a tag. Some units you can draw every year. Some units like high country rifle tags take @ 10 years to draw.

For a velvet buck----your choices would be archery, muzzleloader or high country buck.

These would be in Aug or early Sept when the bucks would still be in velvet.

Hope that helped. FYI---I have not killed a mulie in 20 years. My wife & I don't like the taste of the venison. Elk is what we like. I' have 8 or 9 points for deer. I'm applying for high country buck in Unit 74. I not sure I even want that tag now. I'm getting a little too old & fat for a back pack hunt.

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CB has given you some good info on Colorado. Wyoming you still have time to either apply for a hunt or you can get a point from July - Sept. You might also look at New Mexico as they do not have points, it is luck of the draw, but they severely cut back the tags to do it yourself hunters that are non-residents last year and continueing this year. Draw odds are tough but some one will have to draw.

I believe Idaho also has a draw without points.

Utah & Arizona both have good deer, but the draw odds are tough with no or few points and buying points in both states is expensive as you have to buy a non-refundable license in order to apply or buy points.

Nevada is similar in buying the non-refundable license upfront, but they have a much better point system that increases your odds of drawing and you also have a chance with no points.

If you have any more specific questions about a particular state, just ask I can probably help you. Except in Montana, still don't understand their system.

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