Economic Impact by Hunters


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Here is some great information that shows just how much hunters help out our communities, states, and country. I would like to see the number on how much animal rights/anti hunting group put back. Wish this information could get out to everyone in this country. Maybe it would help to change some peoples view on hunting.

Economic Impact by Hunters

- Total economic impact by hunters in the country: $87 Billion

- Total Jobs Created: 681,000

- 55% increase since 2005.

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what I found quickly;

Right to Hunt vs. Animal Rights: A-Hunting They Will Go — for Headlines and HypeIn case you’re wondering how much money animal rights groups devote to habitat preservation and the welfare of wild species, take a gander at PETA’s 2004 financials. Straight from its Web site, I discovered that PETA’s prodigious revenue of over $29 million bought:*

2,700 media interviews**

703 organized demonstrations**

Nearly 11,000 mentions in print**

Coverage on at least seven major TV networks**

150,000 “vegetarian starter kits” disseminated to the public**

Enough “educational materials” for 235,000 teachers and 11,000,000 students…

But not a single acre of land for wildlife preservation — not even for endangered species!

Read more: Right to Hunt vs. Animal Rights Right to Hunt vs. Animal Rights

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