Team 5: Limb Hanger Legends

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Let's get some birds! I hunt in NY as well so like Dan...just waiting:-p Been a couple springs since tagging a bird...if I stopped missing. This year I'm ready to go after em' and with working a 3-11 shift, that means I have mornings to hunt which is ideal since we can only hunt till noon in NY.

We all need to decide on a team name:)

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Hunt Iowa, Nebraska & maybe South Dakota and Wyoming. We'll see how much time that I have this year. Won this contest two years... all in all the past teams I have been on have hunted for fun. Whether you get a bird or not enjoy those beautiful spring days and be safe.

Not much for names, so choose whatever you want.

good luck to all

the dog

Edited by pointing_dogs_rule
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  • 2 weeks later...

Congrats!!! Very nice bird. I start on Thursday. Hunt Iowa for a few weeks then head to Nebraska and South Dakota. I'll be in Wyoming, however, don't know if I'll be able to hunt due to schedule.

By the way.. yesterday I shut the patio door and I hear a bunch of gobbles very close. I go and look and 100 yards behind the house are 4 nice toms in the field. Very neat to see.

good luck to all

the dog

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this morning i called in 4 red heads but all were jakes. thought for sure the last one was a long beard, as it was gobbling it's head off coming up over the hill. can only hunt here in NY in the AM. next weekend i'll have to try again... but i'll be out of town for most of it. think i'll still have part of sat morning.

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you've got to scout and hunt where the birds are. you can't assume he's there or not there from week to week.

yea i don't have any separate photobucket or video account, but i video'd the last one i called in that was gobbling. hen came in that wasn't bred yet and basically tried to take him away. i got her and him fired up so much she was cutting at me turning up the volume and he was gobbling on my que. she finally got so mad she flew to the other end of the field to lead him away from my three hen decoy set. i got pretty cool audio and video of most of it from my iPhone.

hopefully next weekend his heavy long spurred grandaddy struts in lookin to run the show. i'm going to try and get at least one short morning hopfully.

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