Team 3: Run 'N Gun

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Gobbler Down!!!!

Got out to blind at 5:45...I set out a lone hen...about 6 am a crow sounds off and a gobbler anserwed, he seemed to be several hundred yards west on a neighbors land. Didnt see or hear a thing at all until 9:20..I got 10 birds on my trail to the right about 150 yards..cant tell if they are hens/ jakes, but color wise may be a couple jakes in there... I hit my "Williams Slate" call with a few purrs and soft hen putts.. I take a second to look back at the food plot and far left is a Gobbler standing right at the edge not 20 yards away!..I set binos down and ease my barrel out the window stopping several times as he pops his head up to look around..get the gun up and he is feeding facing away..I mouth call with a good putt, he pops his head up, tru glo beads are aligned, bead just under his head and I touch r off with a load of Federal 3.5 inch # 5 turkey load. Down he goes, and wings are floppin and he scoots himself off into the tall grass,the the adrenalin rush comes and I am shaking so bad I can hardly text Ash & JEEPERS!!

Get down go over to him and he has 1 inch spurs both sides, 11.7/16 beard and weighs 22#

Not bad for lack of sign and no vocalization from them yet...9:23 am..DONE! first day Wi Opener Turkey season

The Lord done blessed me, with another beautiful bird.



Edited by Mathews XT Man
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Our season starts this sat, my cousin I hunt on hasn't been seeing many on the farm. I've been to buisy to get down much, did make a trip to scout mon. I didn't see much sign on the part of the farm I went to, I didn't walk the other 250acres so I'm hoping they are somewhere on the farm. I got to pattern my gun Friday for I am trying out some federal shells, never used them but been hearing good thing about. I am getting realy excited for opening day, good luck guys, and nice birds to.

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Ok guys, I went hunting openin day witch was sat and never seen a bird all day long. I went yesterday and today and tagged out. We can only kill 1 bird a day in ky so it took me a few days although I could have tagged out yesterday if we could kill multiple birds in a day. Had three come in together yesterday and could have killed at least two of them. Here's a pic , I'll get the contest pics in tonight or tomorrow, good luck everyone and be safe.1AD1A014-CDA4-4650-915A-28404751A567-8098-000007230A08BB96.jpg

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Congrats huntingman. It's always a rewarding feeling to limit out or just break the ice within the first couple hunts. 23lbs my gosh that's a toad, I can't wait to pick one like that up.

I'm already planning on heading up that way next year to try my luck with a KY longbeard.

WF55 good luck this weekend, Smack a big one.

Edited by 3seasons
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Well i guess second season just wasn't my season this year. Today didn't work at all. The temps hung around 35 with alot of wind and on and off snow and rain didn't even hear a gobble today. I got some real awesome footage of a couple Toms coming to my calls Saturday but they hung up at about 50 yards and just didn't feel comfortable with the shot. Hopefully the weather will change around for fourth season

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  • 4 weeks later...

Well I decided I was going to hunt after work today after a long week at work. After getting the ok from the wife that I could hunt this afternoon I hustled home after work to get my gear ready. I take off out of the house only to get halfway to my hunting spot and realize I forgot my gun. I go home get my gun and finally get to my spot. I set up on an alfalfa field and call for a littke while. After seeing nothing was coming in I decide to move to the east end of the alfalfa field where they always seem to be. I start walking over there and spot the flock with one tom strutting in an open field. I sneak bavk down the hill and hustle over to where my bosses blind is at (we have permission to hunt the same spot). I see the tom and two hens working they're way towards me. Well turkeys are turkeys and they started feeding away from me so a quick decision has me sneaking through the woods parallel to them. They run out of field and I run out of timber so we're at a stale mate. Luckily they were over a slight rise where I can belly crawl to them. I get to 40 yards and get to my knees and let the gobbler have it. 20 pounds 9 inch beard 7/8 spurs. We only have two days left of Iowa's turkey season so I was very pumped up to say the least and I got it all on camera!

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