-12 and got a surprise

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Got up at first light and head to a place close by and sneek in and setup the fury and Mojo and settle back about 40 yards from the caller.

I turn on the cottontail Distress 035 for 1 minute at vol 24 then I raise the volume to 28 for 32 seconds and then back down to 24 for another minute. I mute the caller and as I watch the woods edge I catch a gret yote trotting straight out towards the caller. I allow him to come and get ready at about 50 yards when I see movement back at the woods and out pops a Black. She stands at the woods edge and watches the grey confront the caller. I swing and set the crosshairs on the black and down she goes. The other hauls a$$ and I turn on the Kihi and at around 200 yds he stops and broadside I shoot and miss :eek: I was right on him and have to wonder if I shot over it :mad:

anyway this is this is the second black yote I have taken in 2 years...


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