Timeline of the Crucifiction

Ravin R10 man

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What was the timeline of Jesus' Crucifixion?

The timeline of Jesus’ crucifixion begins with Jesus’ trip into Jerusalem and the days prior to His crucifixion.

Sunday, April 10, 30 AD - 2 mile journey to Jerusalem from Bethany, where Jesus stays each night

Monday, April 11, 30 AD - Jesus protests financial transactions within the temple; argues with chief priests

Tuesday, April 12, 30 AD - Jesus predicts/announces the date of his execution; debates with religious leaders; responds to question about greatest commandment

Tuesday, April 12, 30 AD - Judas contracts to betray Jesus

Wednesday, April 13, 30 AD - Jesus warns against religious leaders, calling them hypocrites and snakes; From Mount of Olives, Jesus mourns Jerusalem's rejection and pending destruction

Thursday, April 14, 30 AD (6pm-11:30pm) - Last supper with disciples - Passover meal

Thursday, April 14, 30 AD (11:30 pm) – Friday, April 15 (1:00 am) - Garden of Gethsemane - Jesus waits for his arrest

Timeline of Jesus' Crucifixion – Good Friday

The timeline of Jesus' crucifixion continues with the events of Good Friday, the day of the crucifixion.

Friday, April 15, 30 AD (1:00am-1:30am) - Confrontation in Garden and Jesus' Arrest

Friday, April 15, 30 AD (1:30am-3:00am) –

Trial 1: Annas, former Jewish High Priest for 16 years - Jesus receives initial physical abuse

Trial 2: Current Jewish High Priest, Caiaphas, and the Sanhedrin Court – Jesus bloodied by abuse

Friday, April 15, 30 AD (3:00am-5:00am) - Imprisonment at Caiaphas' palace

Friday, April 15, 30 AD (5:00am-6:00am) - Trial 3: All the Jewish elders, including the High Priest, scribes and whole Sanhedrin. They decide to ask the Roman government to kill Jesus

Friday, April 15, 30 AD (6:00am-7:00am) - Trial 4: Hearing before Roman governor Pilate, who declares, "I find no guilt in this man."

Friday, April 15, 30 AD (7:00-7:30am) - Trial 5: Hearing before Herod Antipas, the son of Herod the Great, who had jurisdiction over Galilee. Jesus refused to answer any questions so Herod returned him quickly to Pilate

Friday, April 15, 30 AD (7:30am-8:30am) - Trial 6: Pilate repeatedly tried to release Jesus but the Jewish leaders continued to object. Pilate physically tortured and beat Jesus beyond recognition seeking to satisfy the Jewish leaders. However the Jews demanded that Jesus be crucified. Pilate resisted but eventually gave the order to execute Jesus

Friday, April 15, 30 AD (8:30am-9:00am) - Pilate's Roman soldiers take Jesus into the court ("Praetorium") and enjoy mockery and continued torture, including driving thorns into his skull

Friday, April 15, 30 AD (9:00am-12:00 noon) - Jesus forced to carry his own cross, then actual crucifixion

Friday, April 15, 30 AD (12:00 noon - 3:00pm) - Momentous final 3 hours on the cross

Friday, April 15, 30 AD (3:00pm) - Death

Friday, April 15, 30 AD - Burial

Sunday, April 17, 30 AD - "Resurrection" - 1st reported appearance of Jesus as alive after execution [/TD]



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What was the timeline of Jesus' Crucifixion?

The timeline of Jesus’ crucifixion begins with Jesus’ trip into Jerusalem and the days prior to His crucifixion.

Sunday, April 10, 30 AD - 2 mile journey to Jerusalem from Bethany, where Jesus stays each night

Monday, April 11, 30 AD - Jesus protests financial transactions within the temple; argues with chief priests

Tuesday, April 12, 30 AD - Jesus predicts/announces the date of his execution; debates with religious leaders; responds to question about greatest commandment

Tuesday, April 12, 30 AD - Judas contracts to betray Jesus

Wednesday, April 13, 30 AD - Jesus warns against religious leaders, calling them hypocrites and snakes; From Mount of Olives, Jesus mourns Jerusalem's rejection and pending destruction

Thursday, April 14, 30 AD (6pm-11:30pm) - Last supper with disciples - Passover meal

Thursday, April 14, 30 AD (11:30 pm) – Friday, April 15 (1:00 am) - Garden of Gethsemane - Jesus waits for his arrest

Timeline of Jesus' Crucifixion – Good Friday

The timeline of Jesus' crucifixion continues with the events of Good Friday, the day of the crucifixion.

Friday, April 15, 30 AD (1:00am-1:30am) - Confrontation in Garden and Jesus' Arrest

Friday, April 15, 30 AD (1:30am-3:00am) –

Trial 1: Annas, former Jewish High Priest for 16 years - Jesus receives initial physical abuse

Trial 2: Current Jewish High Priest, Caiaphas, and the Sanhedrin Court – Jesus bloodied by abuse

Friday, April 15, 30 AD (3:00am-5:00am) - Imprisonment at Caiaphas' palace

Friday, April 15, 30 AD (5:00am-6:00am) - Trial 3: All the Jewish elders, including the High Priest, scribes and whole Sanhedrin. They decide to ask the Roman government to kill Jesus

Friday, April 15, 30 AD (6:00am-7:00am) - Trial 4: Hearing before Roman governor Pilate, who declares, "I find no guilt in this man."

Friday, April 15, 30 AD (7:00-7:30am) - Trial 5: Hearing before Herod Antipas, the son of Herod the Great, who had jurisdiction over Galilee. Jesus refused to answer any questions so Herod returned him quickly to Pilate

Friday, April 15, 30 AD (7:30am-8:30am) - Trial 6: Pilate repeatedly tried to release Jesus but the Jewish leaders continued to object. Pilate physically tortured and beat Jesus beyond recognition seeking to satisfy the Jewish leaders. However the Jews demanded that Jesus be crucified. Pilate resisted but eventually gave the order to execute Jesus

Friday, April 15, 30 AD (8:30am-9:00am) - Pilate's Roman soldiers take Jesus into the court ("Praetorium") and enjoy mockery and continued torture, including driving thorns into his skull

Friday, April 15, 30 AD (9:00am-12:00 noon) - Jesus forced to carry his own cross, then actual crucifixion

Friday, April 15, 30 AD (12:00 noon - 3:00pm) - Momentous final 3 hours on the cross

Friday, April 15, 30 AD (3:00pm) - Death

Friday, April 15, 30 AD - Burial

Sunday, April 17, 30 AD - "Resurrection" - 1st reported appearance of Jesus as alive after execution [/TD]





John and Peter were sent ahead of time to locate the place of the meal and to make preparations for it (Mark 14.12-16).

Mark 14.17

Passover is observed on the 14th of Nisan every year (Leviticus 23.5). Jesus and His disciples partook of the Passover in the early evening of the previous day. (Days are calculated from sunset-to-sunset, not midnight-to-midnight.)

Gethsemane is at the foot of the Mount of Olives, not far from the brook Kidron, and takes its name from a cave there that contained an oil press — thus, Gat-Shmanim.

Luke 23.44 shows that Jesus died around the ninth hour or approximately 3PM. He would have been buried before sunset because of the approaching Sabbath, for that Sabbath day was a high-day (John 19.31).

John 19.31 mentions that the day following Jesus' crucifixion was a high day as opposed to the weekly seventh-day Sabbath. TWOSabbaths – first an annual Holy Day and then the regular weekly Sabbath – are mentioned in the Gospel accounts. Compare Mark 16.1 with Luke 23.56

The 15th of Nisan is the first Holy Day, high-day, or annual Sabbath of the 7-day festival of Unleavened Bread. It begins at sunset on the 14th.

Mark 16:1 tells us, "Andwhen the Sabbath was past, Mary Magdalene and Mary (the mother of James and Salome), bought sweet spices that they might come and anoint Him." Luke's account also describes how the women "prepared the spices and ointments" andthen they "rested on the Sabbath day according to the commandment." (Luke 23.56) Thus, according to these two accounts, they bought the spices and prepared them after the Sabbath and yet before the Sabbath. There had to betwo Sabbaths involved here with a day of preparation between them.

Jesus' promise was fulfilled exactly as he said it would. He said that, like the prophet Jonah, He would be entombed three days and three nights and that then He would be raised up from the dead the third day after His crucifixion and death (Matthew 12.39-40; 17.23; 20.19).

Jesus' resurrection had already taken place by the time Mary Magdalene arrived at dawn Sunday morning. (John 20.1-2) In Matthew's account he states that "In the end of [or after] the Sabbath(s), as it began to dawn toward the first day of the week" they came to see the sepulchre (Mt. 28.1) The original Greek word used here for Sabbath is actually plurasus ate an early-evening Passover meal with His disciples. After the meal, the walks with His disciples towards the Mt. of Oli

Sunday night


Edited by Mathews XT Man
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Interesting article Martin, does not conincide with the timeline you posted though. Have often wondered about the timeline, because Easter as it is celebrated like Lane mentioned does not fit 3 days and nights.

Some think Jesus descended prior to his resurrection, any thoughts on that?

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