North Korea Threats

Ravin R10 man

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Sad reality is that we are to a point where we have little left in the way of options. Dunno if obama has the courage to deal with him the way he needs dealt with. Not a lot of options really, sanctions will never work for a dictator who would rather see his own people die of starvation than give up his power struggle. His threats and actions can only go on so long. Just my opinion, but what happens to the innocent people there as a result lies at fault with their leader.

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It's time we told this fat little creep to shut up and go away. Give him an ultimatim. One act of real aggression and we'll make a parking lot out of your worthless country.

Then if the opportunity arises we do it.

Then again I expect Obummer to go there and apoligize for our actions in the past like he has done in the past with other countries. Maybe he can organize their Community.


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From what I have read this morning North Korea announced they are in a "state of war" over the weekend.

North Korea never should have been allowed to get to this point. Don't know that destroying their nuclear facilities and their missle installations with bombs are an option but defnitely something that should be done if possible. This situation could be a real bad one, no doubt they have the ability to hit South Korea. China is a concern as well since they are suggesting we don't take action.

Is using a nuke politically correct for Obama's ongoing campaign he calls the presidency.

Remember obama was going to diffuse these situations with his negotatiating skills. If or rather when things go from bad to worse whether or not he will make the right decision is concerning.

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Remember obama was going to diffuse these situations with his negotatiating skills. If or rather when things go from bad to worse whether or not he will make the right decision is concerning.

If he made a right decision it would be his first.

Let's hope it never comes to this. With China holding a massive debt owed to them by the US over our heads we could see a virtual financial collapse of our country's economy. We should have never gotten ourselves into this position to start with.


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Whaaaat. You mean to tell me that if Short Round pops off a nuke that China is backing the insane Castro wanabe. Even at the cost of a trade embargo that would cost them millions and cause Wal-Mart to buy their stuff from some other country and possibly put a new focus on Made in USA. Inadvertently causing a spineless Obama to grow a pair and man up (possibly even throw an undeserved Nobel prize in the trash where it belongs...Im sorry other than the nuke it could be a good idea long term. I hate communism .

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we shouldn't tell the little commie a thing. i think china is telling him a bunch. like, shut up you little twerp. it's only a small chance obama has the gumption to fight back, even if attacked. yet, this guy is not a muslim and he may just be ready to do the right thing. i actually think obama WILL send a nuke if the little runt sends one our way. and, i think china knows he will, too.

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We almost have to tread lightly with China owning so much of our country and economy as it does. However if we do get a credible threat I don't think we should hesitate but wipe this NK regiem out.

No country has done more than the US to help other countries. I don't understand why we are looked down upon so often. Who else would let 12 million immigrants come to their land the get all the entitlements anyone could wish for. They don't come here to work. They come here so they don't have to work.


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we shouldn't tell the little commie a thing. i think china is telling him a bunch. like, shut up you little twerp. it's only a small chance obama has the gumption to fight back, even if attacked. yet, this guy is not a muslim and he may just be ready to do the right thing. i actually think obama WILL send a nuke if the little runt sends one our way. and, i think china knows he will, too.

Ask Japan, they poked the bear once.

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Whether obama has the guts to take strong enough action remains a good question, I have my doubts. Honestly think given what has taken place that if we had had say George Bush or Ronald Reagan it would already have been done, at the very least pre-emptive strikes to destroy their facilities. Of course I don't think that if we had a Ronald Reagan figure as our leader the past 6-8 years that North Korea ever would have been allowed to get to the point they are.

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I don't see much difference from a defense standpoint between shooting a missile at someone and telling them you are going to shoot a missile at them..... either way I think you need to honor the threat. I mean if someone pulled a knife on me and told me they were going to cut me up and I had a gun in my pocket, they are about to have a bad day.

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