Vital Bow Gear


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In my quest for the perfect sight for my Legacy I have tried three of today's "hottest" sights.

First - The Trophy Ridge Matrix

Then the Trophy Taker Top Pin

Now I have a Cobra Sidewinder LX

I am still not 100 percent satisfied that the Sidewinder is THE sight for the bow. I know that on my Epic Xtreme, the Matrix is THE sight for it.

I have my eye on the VBG Trapper 3 pin version now.

Does anyone use this or any other VBG sight (I know Jim aka NYBuck has the StarMonster and that thing is OFF THE CHAIN!).

If so, please post the good, the bad, and the ugly (ugly with pics please!)

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Re: Vital Bow Gear

I don't have any experience with the VBG sight, but if the quality is the same as their Ultimate Fallaway rest, it will be an awesome sight.

When I was at the Eastern Outdoor & Sport show in PA last month. I was playing with a sight made by Viper. I was very impressed witht he quality, and brightness of this sight. When I made my way over to the Mathews booth. I was playing with a few bows, and they had the Viper sights on all their demo bows. I really , really liked this sight.

Here is a link to their website.

Viper Archery Products

Take a look at either their black, or camo, Predator Hunters Series sight. Those are the ones I was looking at, at the show.

hope I didn't add to your confusion.

How are you and that Legacy getting along?????

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Re: Vital Bow Gear

The Legacy

I got the 30 inch cam, so it fitsa better.

I put the TT Shakey Hunter on it with the short bar. It had a regular TT on it with a long bar, and didnt look right. The Sheakey looks, fits, and feel much better.

I have been shooting it quite a bit. I have to get used to the lack of let off as compared to the Epic.

I am still osing the Epic in league.

I did get a robinhood with the Legacy yesterday.

I ordered some new string suppressors off of ebay, so they will be new again.

The biggest difference with this bow is with the exception of changing the cam, I have done all of the work myself. Putting the rest on and setting up/timing the drop, new string loop, etc. It has been fun!

I really need to get the "sweet set up" done to really enjoy shooting it. Once I get the sight finalized, I can concentrate on the stabilizer!


But O man do I want a Switchback!

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