calling all foodplot experts!!

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I am having a hard time deciding what i want to plant in the late summer for a fall and winter forage. I cannot access the site with equipment, so i am going for the no till type of food plot. I was thinking about either Antler king Honey Hole, Imperial Bow stand, or evolved harvest throw and grow x-tream radish. Any ideas of which would be a better choice or has anyone had any success with any of these?

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Deer may not like radish where you are. They did not touch the stuff here, have had poor results with brassicas mixes over several plantings and all the deer have ever touched has been the greens right after the first good hard frost and then they left them alone.

Clover plots do well here planted in the fall, less invasive weed growth during that time when they establish too. Of all I have ever planted best results we have had have been with a clover mix from pennington that had wintergrazer rye in the mix, not sure if they still sell that same mix anymore. Used clover crush last fall and it did just ok.

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No till seed blends are a little misleading. They still need soil preparation to some extent. If your seed doesn't have adequate soil contact/cover, it will not do well.

I would suspect that most of the small harvest type plot blends will work to some extent but it will take a bunch of elbow grease on your end. To just "throw and grow" is not going to work.

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