Where do you aim on the turkey?

Guest TheDeerHunter

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Guest TheDeerHunter

I'm new to turkey hunting so to most of you this may sound like a stupid question. I've had different people tell me different locations. So which is it? Head, Middle of the neck, or where the neck and body meet. Thanks for the help

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Guest gfourhunter

Re: Where do you aim on the turkey?


Every hunter aims somewhere different, but in general a good rule of thumb is the base of the neck. Gives you the largest target, a little more room for error as opposed to aiming at the ping pong ball head, and it will definitely get the job done

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well said. and rember, wait till the bird is out of strut. his neck is longer out of strut. bigger target.

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Re: Where do you aim on the turkey?

It all depends on where your pattern centers up in relation to your point of aim.

I sight my guns in to center at the point of aim with a red-dot scope. Then I aim at the base of the bird's neck. This leaves 1/2 the core pattern impacting below and 1/2 the core impacting above the point of aim. This way the top of the core pattern is hitting the head and none of the core is flying harmlessly over top.

If you are using the factory bead to sight your gun, you will need to adjust your hold to center the core on the neck.

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Guest TheDeerHunter

Re: Where do you aim on the turkey?

After I posted last night I looked at where my pattern was going and it was high when I aimed for the middle of the neck. So today I aimed for where the neck meets the body and I shot alot better. Thanks for the help!

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Re: Where do you aim on the turkey?

Gotta love the dvd players....I put the dvd on super slow motion, when the shot hits the bird I am suprised that the majority of the birds shot are hit in the lower part of the neck on down.

I shoot straight for the head....I don't like to see pellets in the breast meat grin.gif. I likem 25 to 30 yards....

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Re: Where do you aim on the turkey?

when you pattern your gun make sure you have several targets and see where the best pattern comes and use that pattern to take your bird usually i aim fromt he base fo the neck up tot he middle of the neck due to the way the turkey is coming in or strutting or if he is moving left to right or in and out. my new gun i sighted in saturday showed me i can aim mid neck and cover the entire neck and head and put well over 40 pellets in the neck and even a groupinto the chest area. when you pattern your gun pay close attention to that so if youget a little excited you can at least get a fairly good hit even if your a bit off. kind of like buck fever i have seen it in some and it is something you have to control. if a turkey is going away from me and he has his head up i will definately put he sight on the back of his neckif he is broadside it;s pretty easy to shoot him like you would if he was head on to you. just take your time and get him where you want him

good luck

rob k

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Guest trakker

Re: Where do you aim on the turkey?

I aim at the base where the neck meets the body, one thing that has helped me alot is I put a true glow sight on it seems to help you keep lined up,so you don't look over the front sight.

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Guest 257Roberts

Re: Where do you aim on the turkey?

Hmmm, i guess i am in the minority cuz i always aim for the head. But it makes perfect sense to aim for the middle of the neck.

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Re: Where do you aim on the turkey?

Pattern your gun, there are no shortcuts.

You must determine where the center of your pattern is in relation to your shotgun bead. Any head neck shot is lethal. That's your target. You need to hold where your gun puts maximum number of pellets in the kill zone.

Know your weapon and you will do well.

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