Winchester 94 head space issue


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I have my fathers Winchester model 94AE 30-30 and every once in awhile I get a misfire... I have a bullet with a partial dented primer, but failure to fire. I've sent the rifle in once before for repair and thought it had been taken care of as it went through a box or two of ammo and did not occur again... however, it misfire for me again the other day... I had sent it in thinking it was an excessive head space issue... my question is...

1) Could this still be the same issue or something else

2) Can it still be sent in and repaired and where do I send it?



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Could be a headspace issue. Could be a firing pin/mechanism problem.

You could get a set of "go"-"no go" gauges for around $25-$30 to check the headspace.

Or it could be a shortened firing pin or a weak pin spring or a gummed up firing pin assembly (oil and grime).

A local smith ought to be able to tell you what the problem is right quick.

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