Traveler - AKA - George Burns - Mr. 100


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Well, I was beginning to believe my son when he said I was missing and messing up bird after bird on account I'd told him I would give up turkey hunting after taking my 100th bird.

Eight of them three toed devils had their chance from TN to GA but somehow I messed up one way 'er another.

Then I met Traveler, a bird that once roosted off a young pine plantation where he could see all. Worked him two morns without success as he would just strut and gobble out in the middle of those baby pines then go to traveling.

Then when he spied me one eve coming out of an oak hillside from his perch he'd already taken, he was long gone, never to return to that limb.

Finally one morning had him hot enough for me to get set up and an accidental purr from a box I had in my vest as I sat up, caused him to really let me have it with incessant gobblin'. A few clucks and a fly down on my pocket player caused him to sail from the limb to me. Following up with some light yelps from my copper track player and he had me nailed.

Wasn't long til he came in gobblin' and in half strut. A yelp brought the head up and he died fine.

He was a fine bird with inch and a half needles, my best in a number of years.

Here's a little prose I wrote about Mr. 100.

Twas a fine week in ol' Culloden

First nite a trio of barred owls sang me their tunes

Next night, a humminbird showed me his roost

Then tha morn of tha 18th, ol' travaler wuz lonesome, orney and mean.

Sang his beckonin' love song from dawn til death, callin' for tha unseen.

A yelp, purr and flydown did I provide, glad to see his glide from him to me.

Twas a befittin' end fer such a monarch that tha Good Lord bestowed upon me this foggy morn...

He knew not his importance to me

All he cared for walked, yelped and purred.

Ol George Burns, he wuz to me

Number 100, he wuz destined to be.

Damn to the eight afore him that refused to be...

Ol' Traveler was mine to be....

Thanks to the Good Lord of thee...


Oh yeah, I did go fishing, then decided I'd give turkey huntin' another try. Pretty fun sport afterall.........


Edited by redbeard
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Congratulations Dean...a fitting old bird for Mr. 100. Hope you're kiddin about givin up turkey huntin after #100.

Strange season here in Dixie. Hens should have been nesting by now in my neck of the woods but from my last 2 hunts, gobblers are still henned up for the most part. I'll give um one more try here for my 3rd limit bird before I return to MO for the finale.

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Thanks guys, yeah I must admit, I don't fill quite as fulfilled if the bird doesn't come with a good story as I believe, by now, that's what I'm really chasin'. I have the first in a series of books complete and am searching publishing ( I know I've said that before ) but I believe I will follow thru soon. I dunno, I guess I'm somewhat reluctant to do so in fear I'll end up with a great deal of door stops. HA! I do love sharing my stories with you, the Realtree crowd here, and you've become the only avenue for the last few years because you do show appreciation.

I truly appreciate all the kind words and encouragement and wish every one of ya's the best in every turkey chase you encounter.


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