turkey huntin in rain


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Tomorrow in Indiana it's supposed to be raining a steady rain what's ur thoughts on huntin in a steady rain? All the turkeys have moved off the private land I hunt and onto gov ground so I am hoping with rain a lot of guys will stay home. Is it a waste of time or is hunting a field in steady rain a good idea?

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Certainly not a waste of time if you're hunting under some sort of cover. Rain will hurt their ability to see & hear. I've witnessed birds go to a field during a rain to pick bugs that were pushed up toward the top of the grass, etc. to stay above the water. Makes for easy pickins for them. When the rain stops they like to go to fields to dry out too.

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love hunting in rain as long as not storm or high winds.birds like to get into the fields,pastures or larger openings where they can see approaching danger.blinds would be great if you can leave w/o being stolen or used by somebody else.i never can fold these things back up to carry in the bag.LOL

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