Mossberg Rifles


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I have not shot one. I have looked at them in WalMart. I hate the stock. All they come with is the same plastic crapola stock. Other than that, it is a bolt rifle. I still have not seen the insides of one to say good or bad about it. I did some searching on the net and read some favorable reports about the gun. I did not see a report against the gun. It appears to be a decent hunting gun that should shoot within 2 MOA.

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Re: Mossberg Rifles


Im also not a huge fan of plastic crapola stocks but now a days remington, mossberg, winchester etc all make crapola stocks in plastic unfortunately.. crazy.gif

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But, in the case of Remington, Winchester, Savage, Ruger, Browning, Charles Daly, Howa, etc, you can get a good quality synthetic, laminated wood, or wood stock. This is not so for the Mossberg...yet.


They also have wood stocks something im becomming a fan of lately myself..

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If you look closely at the description, you will see that its a wood dipped crapola plastic stock. frown.gif If it were a real wood stock, I probably would have gotten one just because of the price.

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Re: Mossberg Rifles

To be honest, if I were to get a rifle on the cheap it would be a Savage. Savages accuracy is near the top of the heap. Just about every Mossberg pump shotgun I have seen rattles like a babys toy. Makes me wonder if their rifles are built with the same low quality concept. confused.gif

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Guest Elkslayer54

Re: Mossberg Rifles

Im finish and build stocks for me and my friends. and the other day my friend brought me a mossberg rifle 243. upon disasembly I would have given him 200.00$ for the rifle just to throw it in the ocean. What a piece of junk. When the barrel and action are removed from the stock, the trigger assembly is hinged in the back and when removed from the stock it falls down which must be shimmed to get back in. The fireing pin let go, if there had been a bullet in the chamber it would have been an accidental discharge. or worse. and it did this every time the rifle was taken down. the bolt will not go back in half of the time. piss poor mechanics of the rifle. Beware of mossberge rifles!!!!

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Re: Mossberg Rifles

shocked.gifshocked.gif First off I did not know you have a Mossberg shotgun. Even if I did it would not have swayed my comment. I was just stating the facts that every Mossburg pump shotgun I have handled rattles. I find it annoying that they do as mush as they do. A little is normal. Alot is not. Mossberg shotguns are pretty dependable for sure. There is no doubting that really. I swear by alot of guns. Not just Remington or Winchester. I shoot Berretta shotguns, and have owned Remington and Winchester shotguns. Never a Mossberg pump, but I have shot several. I hit the target most of the time with them. I have never owned a Winchester rifle. I own a few Remingtons. They are great. Anyways, if your happy with your shotgun, I am happy for you. If you can hit your target most every time with it thats all that really matters. If you want to buy a Mossberg rifle do it. I would buy a Remington or Savage first. Thats just me.FWIW,If you do get one, let me know how it shoots. Like I said before, no one I know has one. Most of the guys I know do not want one, and would spend another $100.00 on a better rifle. Personally, I could care less what anyone in this forum or anywhere shoots for a gun. If it works for them, thats cool with me. If someone comes out and asks my opinion, I give it. Like it or not.


I was standing side by side shooting clay disk with wacoyotes browning & wild bills benelli nova and my shaky rattley mossberg was standing it's own along side them shot for shot and didn't let me down once..

[/ QUOTE ] No offense to your buddys, but it sounds to me like your a better shot than them gun is only as good as the person shooting it.

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Re: Mossberg Rifles


I agree with the dipped stock but as for the synthetic material have you broke down the components and matched the materials made in both stocks in remington or mossberg if not then making such comments is not a fair statement AJ..

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I don't have to do a chemical analysis on a piece of plastic to tell if its injection molded plastic vs fiberglass lay up. I do indeed have the same beef with Savage synthetic piece of crap stocks, as well as some of the Remington synthetics (not all of them), as well as Winchester's and others synthetic stocks. Once you have been around guns for a while you will pick up on what works and what does not. Try to do a bedding job on an injected molded stock. The release agent that the manufacturer uses to get the stock out of the mold also inhibits the bedding compound from adhering very well. It is imbedded into the plastic.


I guess im barking up the wrong tree with people who swear by remington or winchester but for me i like my shotgun and it might rattle but so do trucks, cars etc and we still use them everyday..

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Who is bashing the Mossberg ATR 100? You asked for info about it. Like you I am very satisfied with my Mossberg 835. If you did some research on this web site, I have had great things to say about their shotguns.


The only answer i have for you jim in that case is don't buy one.. smirk.gif

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You seem to be comming across as someone seeking concurrance with your opinions, which is fine, but when the other opinion does not match yours totally and completely, you seem to get defensive and angry. Just remember that you are the one who posted looking for info. I try to provide unbiased (for the most part) information based off of facts, not opinions.

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