Diamond Infinite Edge


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I'm shopping for my son's first decent bow and will probably make a purchase in June. A few years back I bought my daughter a Diamond Razors Edge but I see that they don't make them anymore. Has anyone tried out the new Diamond Infinite Edge? Did you like it and if possible compare it to the Razor's Edge? I can still find some some of the old Razor's Edge bows out there and would be willing to buy that one if it's better that the Infinite.

I did notice that Diamond isn't using Realtree anymore.


Edited by RangerClay
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the infinite edge is a great bow that he would never out grow. the back wall isn't the best but that just means he'll have to learn to be consistent opposed to the bow doing it for him. a kisser button would even help with the more too.

...then if he wants to upgrade down the road it's adjustable enough to go from a 70 lb hunting bow to a great bowfishing setup.

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Diamond Infinite Edge

The infinite edge seems like an awesome bow. I too have been looking at them pretty hard as I am about to buy the wife a bow. I just don't see how anyone could go wrong with this bow as a beginner / youth / woman. I checked it out at local pro shop and I think I'm sold. This bow is adjustable from 5- 70 lbs and draw length from something crazy like 12"-29". And you don't need a press to do anything on it you can even change strings with no press required, that is unreal !!

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