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Hey spitfire;

I have used decoys. I have not had one come close enough for a shot. You have to have a very aggressive buck at the right time of the year. Satellite bucks will only come so close to the decoy. Antelope hunting is a rush (with a bow). Do not forget to buy the antelope call. The call definitely gets the bucks attention. I would also suggest a pair of knee and elbow pads (skateboard type pads) for belly crawling over cactus lands. You can buy these fairly cheap at Wally world. If you are planning on hunting over a water hole then you will most likely need a blind. I have a Double Bull that I also use when out in the open plains. These antelope are fairly curious.

You might want to contact "IMINRUT" on this forum. I think he antelope hunts North Dakota.

On another subject. Check out Wyoming and make sure you have the right zone and landowners permission. I have hunted SD and ND. These states have no zones so you can hunt most anywhere. Landowners are really nice in both states and have never been rejected.

good luck to all

the dog

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