Summer Outdoor 3D league starts


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A local summer outdoor 3D archery league starts tomorrow. We'll shoot in the afternoons when people, myself included, get out of work. Bowhunter setups only, with yardages out to 40 yards. I made a tweek to my rest to try and tighten my groups. I re-sighted in my bow at the outdoor club range next door. It's obvious when you see them, but here's a couple pictures of the better groups. I might move my knock point to see if i can make my setup a little more forgiving, but i'm not sure i can do much more with the bow.

group at 30 yards.


group at 50 yards.


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here and there yea... but we'll shoot from a different stake each week. this week it was stakes that were further back. many of them standing on a hillside/very uneven ground. I caught myself plucking at the trigger instead of pre-loading it by squeezing and then pulling through with back tension. When I did things right I noticed no left or rights and I don't find myself hitting a little high when shooting up or down hill, even with yardage dead on, because I was using correct form. Also noticed I canted the bow a little a few times when on a side hill. just some things I need to not get lax about next week. I'd imagine i'll be back up over 300 again if I do so. If I practice yardage for once, then scores will be even higher.

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so tonight was league night again. I shot a 308 out of 330. I had three 8's so that put me down at least 6 points, even more if I was to turn any of those into a bullseye 11. each one was 1" or less from the 10 ring. so less than 3" total separated me from shooting a 314/330 or better.

perfection is so close yet so far away. lol if I see something i'm willing to shoot this fall, it could be in trouble anyway.

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it was a heck of a good time... it ends up being the best hunt I've ever gone on. I took a massive bull elk bugling up through the timber. then later I tagged a huge American bison out on a prairie. Tree'd a mountain lion up in some pines....


also I've always wanted to go on a woodland caribou hunt and I did this evening too, sticking a nice one....


took lots of nice whitetails and black bear too. including one grizzly and one coastal brown bear. this was one of the stands we used...


even managed to fit in a trip to Africa this evening... took some plains game, an impala, gemsbok, and a waterbuck. also we caught a huge male lion cooling off in the shade. at about 37 yards I made a nice 10 point heart shot on him too.

and finally we went back in time to hunt dinosaurs, such as a velociraptor and a triceratops.

if you haven't figured it out by now... the shoots are fun. :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

shot placement isn't always the most accurate but it makes you pick a spot and shoot for it. also you'll get better at judging yardage and shooting from different terrain uphill, downhill, and whatever. sometimes you're in the shade and sometimes in the sun. that does different things to your sight picture or lets you know how your setup will work in low light. it's one of the best forms of practice you'll get.

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  • 1 month later...

my average is falling and falling! lol just shot yesterday evening and ended up with a 309. last week was range finder week (range finders have been otherwise prohibited) but the targets were 40-50+ yards out. I shot a 275 that week which has killed my average. two weeks left to hold it together and keep my summer average 300 or higher, which is my goal.

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