Prayers Needed for Steve B.


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This was posted on Facebook by Randean, so I thought I would post it here for everyone ....

" My dad is in the hospital in Ketchikan. He suffered two strokes yesterday. He is scheduled to have an MRI and ultrasounds of his major arteries today. I was able to speak with him last night although his speech was quite slurred. He told me he loved me which were the best words I had heard all day. The doctors are unsure of his risk of having more strokes until more tests are ran. I don't have anymore info at this time as I am not able to get ahold of anyone. Please keep your prayers coming as we all desperately need them. "

PLEASE say prayer or two for Steve and his family if you would PLEASE ... :(

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For those of you who do NOT know Steve. You will never meet a more giving and kind soul on the face of this planet. So optimistic and always outgoing. I had the pleasure of meeting Steve on several occasions and hunting elk with Steve last fall in Colorado. Prayers sent your way and may you have many more hunting and fishing trips.

Steve: "Beautiful elk country"

good luck to all

the dog

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This is Randean, Steve's daughter. Thank you for the prayers. As of this am, he was doing well. Speaking fluently and no paralysis. He was waiting for an MRI and ultrasounds to see if they could find the cause. The doctors said his strokes were minor ones that could be symptoms of a massive one to follow. Hopefully the tests will reveal where it is and the doctors can correct it. Right now the have him on blood thinners as a preventative measure. This is all I know at this point so please keep the prayers coming. This has been an incredibly trying two years with my moms death, his cancer, my brain tumor diagnosis in May and now this. I am forever a daddy's girl and can't imagine a world where he is not in it. Thank you.

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UPDATE FROM STEVE"S DAUGHTER:He is doing well. He has two TIA strokes. He has full speech and no paralysis. They found some white matter on his MRI indicating a previous stroke. He will have ultrasounds done on his heart and arteries tomorrow. The drs are concerned that these mini strokes are a symptom of an oncoming massive stroke so the have him on various different meds. He dr in AK is going to consult with his drs in Denver to map out a better course of treatment. We will know more on Monday if he will be transferred to another hospital. Thanks for your prayers. When I talked to him, he sounded in good spirits.

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