How soon ??


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75 post ?? Man I don't think I make the cut, but I just joined last year. How do you find out how many posts you have ????

Used to be a post count minimum of 50 posts, guess it was changed to 75, here are last years rules You should be ok by the time signups are done, your post count is at 49 as of this morning, look over on the right side to the right of your user name.

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Just keep posting lol. I'll look and see what's the best time to get it going. I hate to start to early and folks about burnt out with it before season even gets started for most of us but them Florida boys and their 11.5 month deer season always wanna sign up early lol.

Won't be much longer.

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I'll look and see what's the best time to get it going. I hate to start to early and folks about burnt out with it before season even gets started for most of us but them Florida boys and their 11.5 month deer season always wanna sign up early lol.

Won't be much longer.

Sounds like you're taking the bull by the horns again John. Thanks!
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If its posted after the 3rd then my season will start before anything is posted this year.

If you follow the rules below for photo entries your deer will be considered for the contest. Just take a pic and keep it of you and your deer along with the tag just as the rules state. Leave your team name blank. You won't be penalized just because you guys start deer hunting the day after turkey season ends lol.


To submit an entry a participant must include in the 2012-2013 RT Forum Deer Contest - ENTRY thread... your screen name, the number of tines that are 1 inch or longer (main beam counts), your team name. A photo of himself/herself with the deer, Photo must show the entire front half of the deer or more - this is to avoid any possible accusations concerning people entering mounts.

NOTE 1: This picture HAS to show both the deer AND THE HUNTER, pics of only the deer will not be counted. Photo must show the entire front half of the deer or more.

NOTE 2: Picture of just the caped out head, skull plate, or skull mount will not be counted

Photo(s) were all scorable tines can be seen in. If 1 inch tine is questionable supply a photo with a measurement against the tine for verification.

A photo of legal tag: This is a MUST, no deer will be entered without a clear picture of the tag. Make sure the picture can be read in the picture.

NOTE 1: The tag picture has been the #1 reason for entries not being counted in the contest - DON'T FORGET YOUR TAG PICTURE.

FOR PARTICIPANTS IN STATES THAT DO NOT HAVE A TAGGING SYSTEM write the following information down on a piece of paper, your forum name, your team name, date deer was taken, state deer was taken in, print and sign your name - scan or take a picture of that info and supply it instead of the tag picture.

** If you have issues with scanning or posting your photos I would be happy to help you out or post them for you, just send me a PM. - See more at:

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Haha thanks redkneck! Way to make me feel like a loner! Haha im happy it opens as early as it does. It gives me more time hunt and i can hunt sooner than all yall dare i say it? Northerners....

Well we get four full months starting 10-1 here, some parts of the state get a little more than that. I can barely stand the heat and humidity in early Oct, surely couldn't take it in Aug/Sept.

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