Rage chisel tips?


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I've shot many of the other 2blade Rage heads and they're the same if not better with the chisel tip that's more durable than the triangular blade for a point. I still shoot Rage 2 blades and Rage 2-blade titanium heads. they fly better than many can shoot just like many other low profile mechanicals. cutting diameter is enough to leave quite a blood trail... I've seen over a dozen deer shot with standard cut Rage 2-blades like them and it's a typical 3" long gash that looks like it got stabbed with a knife. thoroughly clean them out and check for chips, dings, or anything bent (that would make the blades hang up and not deploy as readily) just like any other broadhead after you shoot something with it.

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i'd shoot them over the regular ones that I have right now as backup heads. right now I shoot the titanium heads and like their design best but I didn't pay regular price either and i'd never tell anyone too. ridiculously high amount of money for broadheads. i'd go with chisel tips over the regulars. forget the extremes, cut doesn't need to be that big sacrificing penetration.

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