preferred diaphram


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Guest Blaine_Cardilli

Re: preferred diaphram

Once again I'd have to suggest a single or double reed diaphragm. The less layers of latex, the less amount of air it takes to produce turkey sounds, and less air means way easier purring and clucking.

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Guest Blaine_Cardilli

Re: preferred diaphram

Cool. Glad to help. Actually, anything from a cluck or cutt before pulling the trigger will work. Sounds like all you're trying to do is raise the turkeys head at the last minute? Any sharp, single note should do the trick.

Hey Mainebuck! Shoulda known you'd be here! LOL Yeah, try a single or double. Less air always makes softer sounds easier. More reeds means more pressure is needed and common sense says to blow a call hard means a louder, (not softer), call.

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Re: preferred diaphram

I was thinking more like when he's hunng up and the silent treatment isn't working, I have seen enough videos that a cluck or yelp will break their strutt, and bring their head up, but thanks for the input...good luck

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Re: preferred diaphram

Practice is the key. You are right. And generally a 2-reed call will purr well for you. But..........there's a factor more important than the number of reeds.........the thickness of the reeds. Also, typically, a "V" cut in the top reed will make it a little harder to purr.

My #1 favorite call to purr on is a 4-reed "cutter" type call with another slit on the side. It's a rotten, old, dog-raspy, nasty cutter call. But it's got reasonably thin reeds and will purr like there ain't no tomorrow. wink.gif

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