What was your first deer you shot with a bow?

Ravin R10 man

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Shot with a bow or killed with a bow? :D

I shot a small doe (around 55 lbs) in the shoulder while I was sitting in the branches of a large white oak. It didnt go deep enough to kill her and my brother shot her the next ML'er season.

The very next day, another white oak about 75 yards off, the same heard of deer passed under. I shot a doe the same size (55lbs). It was a straight down shot. Hit one lung and the heart. She ran about 80 yards, went under a fence. I followed the barking squirrels and went straight to her.....

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What was your first deer you shot with a bow?

I spent 2003 in Iraq an a few friends I mine were big hunters and we spent the entire deployment watching monster buck videos! I had never hunted so I told them I was gonna kill a deer when we got back home. Fast forward to summer/fall 2004 I went out and bought a cheap golden eagle bow that was ready to hunt right off the shelf. I sighted it in and went hunting. No setup on it at all. The draw was probably 1 1/2 inches to short. But October came in norther Michigan and I put a stand up in a pine tree on some power lines on the edge of a field. Two does came out about 150 yards across the field. I hit the grunt call and one came in on a string right to the corn pile. I nailed her at 15 yards. She ran about 30 back into the field before she piled up. I had to go get a friend to tell me how to field dress her! The most amazing hunt of my life. My army buddies and I get together every November in Wisconsin to gun hunt every year now since.

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