new product idea?


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Re: new product idea?



probably get shot by a drunken redneck.....Man!!! I coodn't bleave da siza u dat bird!!!!

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Took da word outa me mouth!!!!!!

(hickup) crazy.gifcrazy.gif

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HAHA! that old boy, he'd prolly be like....."i dun protected my family. that bird could a ate us whole."


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Re: new product idea?

lol, you have no clue man. Part of what I typed is a joke, the other part is sad truth. I actually fear for my life during deer season here in PA. I have actually witnessed guys at Wal-Mart the night before deer season buying their licenses, shells and the gun they plan to use the next morning.

And the scariest part is the fact that 98% of the PA hunters have the "If I can still see it I can shoot it mentality". confused.gif

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Re: new product idea?

Probably wouldn't work. The only reason the big dekes work for geese is because they're eyes are on the sides of their head, so they can't tell the sizes apart. I'm not sure if its the same with turkeys or not. I'm assuming it's not like that with gobblers. Nice imagination i never woulda thought of that.

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Guest trakker

Re: new product idea?

This all sounds funny and crazy to us, but there is more than one so called hunters out there that would spend good money just to try it!!

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