Problem with a bow and bout to toss it


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Working with my girlfriend to get her ready for bow season. She's went thru a few bows in the last 2 years for one thing or another. She finally settled on a bow she felt fit her the best. I'm a Hoyt guy and she picked up a Martin rack master for her first deer hunting bow. I have fought with this bow almost daily for 8 months to get it shooting groups, to knock out the vibration and noise. I have failed. She was shooting good groups at 20 and we stepped back to 30 and it went downhill from there. Without adjusting anything other than the pins it has become a chore to pull it back for her. I drew it back and it feels like 10 more pounds has been laid on it. Arrows are arching more than ever and the rattling in the bow sounds like you shot a bucket of bolts with a 12ga. I can't find a dag gum screw or bolt I haven't put an Allen wrench to. I've been telling her to strip it and toss it and we will go get a bow designed more for the woman shooter. She is determined to kill a deer with this thing before she agrees to a new bow. I commend her for that but I feel any non-suicidal deer will be jumping this string. Any suggestions??

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Sounds like with everything you've done I'd be stumped too. Not sure what else to add except taking it to a bow shop. Years ago I had a problem with one of mine making noise & excess vibration but the draw weight felt the same. Couldn't figure out the problem. Turned out the cable guard was cracked in the part that's hidden inside the riser. Found out when it broke off while practicing. Nothing much worse than putting in the time on stand and not being confident in your weapon. I would have already tossed it!

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I started with a cheap bow from walmart. first I started shooting it the arrows corkscrewed out of the thing. I learned more and more and eventually I got the thing shooting pretty good and quiet. some bows even after I've learned a lot though just are finicky to tune. sometimes I've had to strip it down then start all over again. best to cover everything getting it to spec with even tiller, etc. then install rest. nock point wrong will open up her groups and cause screwy arrow flight. perpendicular to the string isn't always right. never had a bow tune nock low but more than one that have tuned nock high. I set it perpendicular to the string with shaft going through upper third of berger button hole (hole rest mounting bolt screws into). then install peep sight and sight to fit her. you won't be able to shoot and paper tune it unless your draw lengths are really close, which they probably aren't. you can still get nice arrow flight if your center shot is off. as you move farther back your arrows will group to one direction (right or left) farther away the farther you move back. if you still can't get it figured out you should just bring it to a shop. it's tough to sort out without being there looking at it. if you've got specific questions some of us here can try to answer them.

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if you've got specific questions some of us here can try to answer them.
Yea try to narrow it down a little and then try to ask more questions here. Its hard to diagnose whats wrong with it without hearing or shooting it ourselves. I like to think i am inclined a little when it comes to archery and hunting but there are people on here who know a lot more about it than me like dbHunterNY and we can all try to help you once we know some more information.
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